drummereef's 180g in-wall build

I just wanted the option to be able to run the Radiums HQI or even switch to 400 watters if need be depending on how demanding the corals get.

Have you found the galaxy's run the radiums to spec or are you getting a bit more blue out of them color wise? I'm looking at getting full M80 ballasts so that I can run radiums to spec. I know the galaxy's run close to 280w if I'm not mistaken.

I as well like the idea of being able to switch to 400w but running a M80 ballast is where I'm leaning.
Just made the same drip line myself this morning....lol

:lol: Nice! :D

Looking good

Thanks csharps42. :) Where in MO are you?

Have you found the galaxy's run the radiums to spec or are you getting a bit more blue out of them color wise? I'm looking at getting full M80 ballasts so that I can run radiums to spec. I know the galaxy's run close to 280w if I'm not mistaken.

I as well like the idea of being able to switch to 400w but running a M80 ballast is where I'm leaning.

I'm not an expert on this but I believe if you run them on the 250 HQI setting it essentially runs them to 'spec'. I think it's the closest to spec besides running an M80. I'm currently running straight 250 since I have no corals yet so I'm trying to conserve bulb life. The M80 are definitely true spec but there's tons of guys out there that run Radiums on electronics no problem. It's nice to have the 250/250HQI setting in case you want to overdrive some other bulbs. Radiums are so popular right now and for good reason, the color is great. Unfortunately I can't tell you the difference in color from 250 to HQI but on straight 250 they have a nice crisp white with a hint of blue. My pics always come out a little dark otherwise they tend to overexpose on the sand and rock. Need to learn how to brighten up the pic without overexposure. :)
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Pics of the new Lyretail Anthias.





I asked Mr Tang, "why the long face? You have a new buddy". :D


Already friends. :)

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Thanks! I might end up going with what you did then. I will have to see which one has the best warranty.

BTW, your tank is really coming along nice.

Nice anthias...Why just one? Now you need like 3 females.

I figured instead of maxing the bioload with a couple different species of fish I'd rather have a variety of many different kinds of fish. I do want a small shoal of chromis or something small but I might add a couple different kinds of wrasses for more color. I want to keep the fish bio load rather low but just have a variety of stuff to look at. :)

I'm kind of curious to what you plan on stocking in the tank? Do you have a list of livestock that you are planning?

Not exactly a formal list like some come up with. :hmm2: Just a short list in my head and I'm also learning what fish I really like as I go. My next purchase will likely be 3 chromis or a wrasse of some kind but who knows...! :) Suggestions are always welcome. ;)
It appears by your avatar you like powder blues, do you plan on adding one of those? You should add 5 or so chromis, I've found they school much more with 5+ which is always fun to see. I have 3 in my 75 right now and they all just kind of do their own thing.

Hopping into the way back machine, I've a question for the above picture. Stranded or solid core wire? I built an electrical panel of my own, and will continue to elaborate it, but I've yet to wire it up. I do plan on doing the same thing with conduit (running outlets throughout the room). I have 500 feet of each (green, white, and black) 14awg stranded wire, but I know that's not a great way of wiring up the outlets. I'm considering soldering the ends of the wires to keep the strands in place when screwing down the connections, but that's pretty labor intensive.

Any thoughts or insight here?
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It appears to be stranded THHN wire. Soldering the ends isn't really that labor intensive and that wire pulls through conduit very easily. If I were doing it, I would do it the same way.