DT Flow help


On my first floor I have a glass 150 gallon DT tank with built in twin overflows, and (2) 3/4" Loc-Line water return pipes on each end of the tank for a total of 4 returns.

I added plumbing from my return pump manifold to create a closed loop system against the back wall of the tank in between the twin overflows. It's 1" PVC shaped like a wide "U" and has 1/4" drilled holes in it to create a spray bar that directs the water straight down across the back of the tank....and is installed about 3 inches under the water line. This closed loop system is maintenance free and offers some additional water movement along the back, but not enough.

I can't add any more flow using my return pump manifold since my twin overflows are rated at 600GPH each....1200 GPH total without risking over flow flooding.

My tank is 10+ years old, and had a 6 inch deep crushed coral bed that I recently siphoned out over many months of water changes due to extremely high nitrate levels....old tank syndrome.

I may add 1" to 2" of live sand substrate down the road because my wife likes the look. But for now trying out a bare bottom tank.

I am noticing a lot of detris on the bottom of my tank. I was hoping to add some type of power head(s) to increase the flow in my DT and agitate the detris in hopes it will go down the overflows, and be filtered out of my tank via the sump in the basement.

I want to locate the powerhead(s) on the back of my tank between the twin overflows. Moving water from back to front instead of side to side like most people seem to do. I don't like the look of powerheads/gyres mounted on the sides of tanks. The back of my tank is painted black to match the black overflows so that should help hide the powerhead/gyre and wiring. Plus I have a lot of live rock going across the entire length of tank that will further hide the powerhead/gyre. I also plan on redirecting the 2 Loc-Line returns on each end of the tank to concentrate the flow toward the 2 corners of the tank since adding the powerhead will take care of the middle. I don't plan on eliminating the closed loop system although I can shut it off with ball valves if necessary.

Any power head pump(s) I install will require me to stand on 3 foot step ladder to reach across the top of the tank and down behind it because my tank is built into a wall with bookshelves on either side and cupboards above and below. I only have a few inches clearance behind the tank. The only access behind the tank is reaching across the top, and several 1 1/2 " access holes drilled underneath the tank for wires and the closed loop plumbing.

I am considering adding one gyre, (or) 1 to 2 powerhead(s). I would appreciate pros and cons and which manufacturer you recommend and have had experience with so i can make a better decision on which to buy. As I don't know how difficult it will be to install, and uninstall these pumps for maintenance due to the limited access I have. I"m a fat *uck and don't want to break the glass on my tank leaning over it to gain access to these pumps every month or two....LOL I guess I can ask my son or wife to help me when it's time to do any maintenance necessary.

I'm leaning toward adding one maxspect gyre the smaller model which I think is the 230, or perhaps 2 vortex's the smaller models which I think are the 10's.

Thank you!
I have 2 x Gyre 250's on my standard 120g DT mounted on the back on either side of my center overflow. They max out at 60% and provide WAY more flow than 4 x koralia 2450gph power heads ever did. Sure, they are not cheap, and the first time or two you take them apart can be challenging, but at least IMO, they are just what the hobby has needed for a long time - easily programmable to provide chaotic, randomized flow throughout the tank, and without sticking way out like most traditional power heads do.
can the maxspect gyre go in reverse. I know it can pull from the bottom and push the water to the top....can it pull from top and push the water across the bottom without having to turn it upside down? I wouldn't like the power cord coming out of the bottom of the unit in my tank....I prefer the power cord come out of the top of the unit...it will be less noticeable.

It seems as though the IceCap gyre has more flow functions than the Maxspect unless I am missing something.
Sounds like you're looking for a set and forget powerhead (not going to be cleaned very often I'm guessing?) I would look into Tunze from the longevity aspect of them, and not needing to be cleaned very often. I'm not very familiar with the Maxspect but I have read about them breaking in the past (not the motor but actual parts like the propeller, they might have addressed those issues?) I use MP60s and only clean them about once a year... also don't have to worry about the cords coming out of the tank
I ended up buying one Maxspect xl 250 gyre and mounted in the upper middle portion on the back of my tank.

It wasn't difficult at all to install or take off. I thought it would be since I had to lean over the top of my tank to install the magnet on the back wall. I did it multiple times (actually my son did while standing on a stool) to adjust the gyre position, switching fin directions and its covers multiple times.

I ended up installing the fins in opposite directions on each side of the gyre so whether its in forward or reverse I get a good strong flow.

I'm very happy with the gyre so far. Detris was flying everywhere....coming out between crevices in the live rocks, and also in areas hard to siphon on the bottom!! I am running mine back to front rather than side to side like most videos show. I'm running a bare bottom so I could crank the gyre up to full power without worrying about a sand storm in my tank. I'm not leaving it at full power but could see how well it stirs up the tank when needed.

I took the time to watch the coralvue you tube video on how to program the controller, and also took good notes to refer back to while programming the controller. The notes really helped as there are lots of options!!

Based on first day tests....I'm probably going to dismantle the closed loop system i have in the middle back portion of my tank, and reposition the twin returns to concentrate flow in each corner of the tank....since the gyre is taking care of the rest!