DT's Oyster eggs.


Reefkeeping Mag Staff
Just took some pictures after I target fed some of my coral. The zoo's really love the oyster eggs, they close up on them fast.





Have you tried them? Do you like them, And do you think they are worth the price?
I do.
i use them, and for how little i use i don't think they are too expensive. the one jar will last me a year or more.

bradleyj, what are those marble colored things in pic 3 and how do i get some?

They are called cinnamon palythoa's or Grande palythoas.
Mine are brown right now but they are supposed to turn green.
They are cool though and reproduce fast.
This is what they looked like when I bought them.
That happens when I feed mine too...I'm just never sure if its a feeding behavior or a defensive behavior from the DT's falling on them...