Dwarf Seahorse?

Im looking for dwarf seahorses. I hear they breed pretty readily so hoping someone has too many. I havent seen any at a LFS. Ive got a 5 gallon windowsill algae tank that i want to stock with dwarf seahorses!

I saw this and figured i finally had a way of overcoming their constant need to be fed. http://www.amazon.com/KollerCraft-F...rue&ref_=ox_sc_sfl_title_1&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER

Interesting. Thanks for the link.
Down here one of the seahorse tanks from the local high school were selling seahorse babies for cheap. I tried my hand at them but they are a lot more difficult than I had realized. Might try it again in the future.
If you are interested I can let you know when they have some again.

Can you post a pic of the 5gal algae tank?