New member
I read the first & last pages of your tank journal. Good stuff.
Did Timfish help get your large tank moved?
From what I read you don't have rabbits or Tangs. In that event, I could help you with both utilitarian and decorative macro. It depends on your preferences.
Let's talk more about what you want your tank to be. I like a lagoon biotheme with mixed garden tank using macro. Most reef fish will forage and hunt in a thicket of macro. Nutritious biofilms cover macro surfaces feeding both pods and fish.
I like Caulerpa Prolifera with a thin bladed emerald green color, it displays very well. Keep its holdfast in the substrate. It's holdfast required me to treat rock with hydrogen peroxide.
Timfish was my go to on the glue up. I had never worked with 1" and he suggest a 2 part rather than #4. That was great advice. Getting the tank form my garage to the house was done with a dolly. After that, it was 8 of us lifting it up and sliding it into place. Timfish missed that one ))))
The only fish i have now thats eats macro is the lawnmower, and thats all he eats. Keeps the stuff I acquired that came with corals under control.
See picture below. It looks similar, but has many fronds coming from 1 small point. No runners I can see.
As far as corals now I have about 14 mostly LPS. Frogs, Hammers, Duncan, Bubble ect. I plan on adding 2 of the larger anemones when my tank is about 6 months to a year old. I like the wavy movement of stuff is why I think macro stuff would be nice.
Flow is moderate Sort of counter clockwise withe mp60's 1 on low and one about 4 out of 10. 1 central spot has 3 sea swirls mixing it up. Too much for pajamas but they have their hang spots out of the flow.
Since I have spots in the tank i can not reach, I dont want to get into a pickle. Example if or when I get aptasia (fingers crossed) peppermints are the only way im going to get rid of them.
Hope this give you some ideas