Dying, Splitting or Other?


New member
i recently detached one of my mushrooms from its frag plug ( the mushroom was attached to a piece of rock that was glued to the plug ) and ever since then, this has happened. Some people say its splitting into two new mushrooms, and others say its dying. Which is it? (it still has full color by the way)


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Did you damage it when removing from frag plug? Looks like something fell on it like a rock or something. I would give it chance and see if it recovers and becomes multiple frags. Ricordea are pretty hardy
I think when you detached it, the rock it was one broke and it ripped the mushroom's flesh. Sometimes they recover and sometimes they don't, you'll just have to wait.
It looks like both pieces have a mouth, so just ignore it for a little while, don't try to feed until it's fully healed and it should be fine.
make sure it has gentle flow to keep the wounds clean- it should heal. If it starts getting brown gel on it, gently blast it off. but the key is to do it genltly