Dynamite fishermen accidentally kill diver.

This wasn't a case of the diver accidentally getting too close to fishermen who were dynamiting, they threw dynamite at him deliberately because they "thought he was a large fish."
One of the fishermen tossed dynamite into the water and after it exploded the group jumped into the water but instead of finding a fish, they found the body of the dead diver.

I have no words for this. :(
Arrested!! That is a light punishment. I've heard of hangings, for just dynamite fishing alone.
I have been in the water when dynamite was used. Fortunately it was a good distance away; still it was scary.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14766743#post14766743 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by snorvich
I have been in the water when dynamite was used. Fortunately it was a good distance away; still it was scary.
woa really? where
Wow, that could really mess your ears up not counting your brain and innerds if too close.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14767048#post14767048 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Elan L.
woa really? where

Batangas, in the Philippines. Northern Papua New Guinea. It does not sound like an explosion, more like a big cracking sound. But I was almost a mile away.