Eagle eye and poker face FRAGS not growing :/


New member
I have a lot of soft coral growing very fast n it's all very healthy except these 2... it's been months and No growth at all... I don't understand y..I have other zoas that are doing so great! I target feed my button polyps and palys and switched from multiplex to zooplankton a couple months ago n still nothing....anyone have any ideas as to y? Placement, wrong food, lighting?? Please help!!
I have Eagle Eye zoas half way up in the middle of my 75 gallon tank with little water flow around them and they are spreading.
Of course, every tank is different, so you might try your luck with changing placement until you notice some growth. Also, I find that frags with only a couple of polyps don't nearly grow has quick as a small rock with a dozen or more..... I must've grown only two new polyps from a 3 polyp frag plug of Lunar Eclipse almost a year ago, but my Eagle Eyes on a rock has almost doubled.
Ahhh that explains it then! I've moved them around but the eagle eye frag only had 2 polyps and the poker chip/poker face (not sure really) has about 7...the lfs suggested a powder form to feed them?? I have never seen this so any idea of a brand? I need to get rid of a bunch of my coral n I hate to throw it away but can't find anyone to take it...I really I had this" problem" with my eagle eyes lol but thanks for your input :-)
I don't feed my zoas anything, except what might get to them from feeding my fish.... light and proper current is the main concern for them, IMHO. The LFS will always try their best to to sell you some magic elixir that will probably just foul up the water quality, usually.
If you find yourself with corals that are overgrowing your tank, you could take them to the LFS and ask to trade for credit. Good luck with everything.