Early Birthday Present...


The Maaan
Well my birthday is in March... but daddy got me my present early.

This reefing hobby brought on another hobby for me - Photography!
Canon EOS Rebel T1i w/ 18-55mm EF-S IS Lens



After I really learn the ins & outs of this camera, I'll pick up a macro lens...an affordable one :lol:

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Very very niceee. I want one now but my birthday isn't until July! Maybe sonce you rec'd your gift early i convince my wife to get me my gift early?
ahh man hate to rain on your parade but you should have gotten the t2i it has the same 18 megapixel sensor as the D7 unlike the t1i that has the 15 megapixle, also dump the lens the 18 to 55 is just too damn short.
ahh man hate to rain on your parade but you should have gotten the t2i it has the same 18 megapixel sensor as the D7 unlike the t1i that has the 15 megapixle, also dump the lens the 18 to 55 is just too damn short.

That is true, however when compared to in manual mode, according to consumer reports and other various reviews I've read... The T1i T2i and D7 are virtually identical using computer comparison.

+ I am just a newb on top of everything else.

I plan on getting a macro lens eventually when finances allow and I learn to use the camera with the kit lens.

And when reviewed under a really technical perspective, the really only true difference between the 3 aforementioned cameras is the amount of focus points that each respective camera holds.

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True, but when shooting to RAW you can def see the diference also the saturation levels are nicer when in video mode with the larger sensor. as far as the lens goes if you want to be cheat get the lens i was using in the docs office 28-135 nice good all around lens about 400 at B&H but if can spend $600 get the Tamron 18 to 270 with macro the only lens you will ever need.
PM me your email and i will send you a really good tutorial video on how to shoot video with a 7D most of what you will see will apply to your camera as well.
also if you ever want to play with some of my lelses let me know but if you break them i will break you...
Nice, Congrats!

Im still rocking the camera phone.:sad1: I want a fancy camera!

Although I did find a way to get some "marco" shots with it. Here is the thread i made about it.(sorry if im hijacking your thread Staaan)
also if you ever want to play with some of my lelses let me know but if you break them i will break you...

lol am i the only one who caught this? :uzi:

hahaha i have--or rather my cousin has, however we're forever swapping lenses and other equip.--the canon 18-200mm, and theres no thing sweeter then not having to switch lenses when ur on a roll lol :beer:
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Ahahahaha. Yeah.. Konrad is one big mofo.

That really would be great.. perhaps if you and your Viking-ness would get up :sleep:early enough to make one of the meetings I could check out some of your lenses :fun4:

I was talking with my dad and his old photography days (when he really used to be into it)

And he was telling me about these cheap attatchments you could buy to increase focal length of pretty much any lense (provided the attatchment is the correct size) and well basically.. you can create a decent MACRO lens out of any lens...

Anywho - this is what I found...


I know (majority of the time with most thing in life - You get what you pay for)... but the concept seems pretty sound.. anyone have any experience with some like this?

I figured I could just try it for $16...
New camera = new pics

New camera = new pics

Some pics taken with the new toy. Some worth of being posted I suppose.
Not all reef related.
First 3 pics were taken with the 15-55mm Kit lens w/ Fotodiox Extension tube, the rest were taken without the tube. Lots of room for improvement, but better than the pics I used to take!







