eductors on Sea Swirls?


Premium Member
I know this has been asked before, but what does the concensus seem to be on using eductors on Sea Swirls. I know that you are not supposed to create back pressure with the sea swirls but I remember people saying they tried it with no problem. Any one try it and have it not work?
I've heard that sea swirls don't do well with "down stream pressure" but I have no personal experience with them

Re: eductors on Sea Swirls?

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6970633#post6970633 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by wakesetter
I know this has been asked before, but what does the concensus seem to be on using eductors on Sea Swirls. I know that you are not supposed to create back pressure with the sea swirls but I remember people saying they tried it with no problem. Any one try it and have it not work?

FWIW, I have sea-swirls on all my tanks and have been very happy with them. Not one failure on the seven I run, some of which have been running for a couple years now trouble-free.
I'm not quite sure what ethompson means by "don't do well with down-stream pressure", as these units in my experience do not significantly reduce flow or have any problems handling high flow.

IME sea-swirls are practical, versatile, easy to mount, dependable, and most importantly, create the random, turbulent flow that many/most of us desire.

Gisho, I too have many Sea Swirls in use and really like what they offer to a tank and have had no problems with them. I was specifically aksing about the back pressure created by the eductor.

I called Sea Swirl yesterday and they called back and said that it should not be a problem as long as you dial back the flow to them by about 20%. If not, the pressure could mess up the orings inside the seaswirl and cause it to leak. This may result in permanent damage.
The pressure on a sea-swirl would break it... Someone on RC tried it and ended up trashing his sea-swirl.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6983793#post6983793 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by wakesetter
Gisho, I too have many Sea Swirls in use and really like what they offer to a tank and have had no problems with them. I was specifically aksing about the back pressure created by the eductor.

I called Sea Swirl yesterday and they called back and said that it should not be a problem as long as you dial back the flow to them by about 20%. If not, the pressure could mess up the orings inside the seaswirl and cause it to leak. This may result in permanent damage.

Yes but in order for eductors to work you don't want to dial back the flow since they themselves cause a fair amount of back pressure.
They will work this might get a little less than the total potential flow out of them but if it is still doubling or tripling the total outflow than we are ahead. Sea Swirl said it will work so I will try it.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6983793#post6983793 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by wakesetter
Gisho, I too have many Sea Swirls in use and really like what they offer to a tank and have had no problems with them. I was specifically aksing about the back pressure created by the eductor.

I called Sea Swirl yesterday and they called back and said that it should not be a problem as long as you dial back the flow to them by about 20%. If not, the pressure could mess up the orings inside the seaswirl and cause it to leak. This may result in permanent damage.

Sorry, I misread the initial post. I don't have any personal experience with using an eductor on a sea-swirl. Sorry about that and good luck. Do let us know how it works out if you do try it though.
I think it's important to use the right # of eductors. I'm going to tee off my seaswirl and run 2 on each 3/4" unit. I'm running a Sequence Wahoo pump so there should be plenty of pressure. I'll let you know how it goes.