going to post some of the numbers i will have this weekend os if anyone want to meet up with us you can. i would still love to see a couple people there show up spend some time with elpmas. this is an even we can do once a year. let make this grow , let have some fun. this is a differnt type of meeting for both clubs. this is what clubs are about , having fun, spending time doing stuff, and meeting new people.
if you are wanting to meet some elpmas member this is my number , 9152197525, this is the cell i will have friday, i do not have it now but will have it from fri thur sun night 9152418606. this is my mom's cell which she is going to lone me. my wife 's has a cell phone but will be flying up on sat after noon do to a commintment she must attend on sat but plans on still joining us on sun. this number is 9157403014 you can call any of this numbers anytime, she is part of elpmas as much as i am. you can call any of these numbers from now till sun to meet up and join us for a fun time and chats. all are welcome!!