Electrical needs??


Gday all,

been wanting to upgrade to a big tank (300g) for awhile now, but only just starting to realize how much electricty a tank that size must use, and its scaring me away from it,(the tank size not hobby). i dont think ill b able to afford it.which sucks!!!!!
How much to run your large tanks a month/year? not just 300g,but any larger tank, lets say 90g and up.

really depends on the equipment that you buy.i probably only spend about $50 a month on my 120 fowlr tank.lighting is minimal with power compacts,and im running a mag 12 for return and a sedra 5000 needlewheel on my skimmer.and i also run a 300 watt heater that rarely comes on even in the winter.

for a 300 gallon,id probably look at double or triple the electrical consumption,of course depending on your equipment that you choose.im actually in the process of moving and will be upgrading my 120 to something in the 4-500 range.but it will be a fowlr tank,im pretty sure that a reef that size would be in the
$150-$200 a month range,not to mention all the live rock and coral it would take to get it looking half decent.
To get an idea of what the montly cost would be, I put together a spread sheet using the stated power consumption of each pump and light I would be using,and how long it would be running per day. Multiply by the current cost of electricity and you get to see how bad it is, haha.

Around $100-$125 per month on my 210.