Elementary Classroom Tank


New member
Hey guys! I am an elementary gifted (advanced/high ability) teacher at a low income school in Central Florida. Although it's costing me a fortune, I really felt that it would be a huge benefit for my students to learn from a saltwater tank. The experiences and the educational benefits are huge! I am so excited to watch this tank grow with my students. (I have the same students year after year.) My husband and I have a large SW tank at home, so mostly my classroom tank will be compiled from "left over" parts from that tank...which will hopefully help keep the cost minimal. (Although I'm already double the original "budget" - go figure.)
Thanks Guys. For now, it'll be a 20 gallon, but my husband built the stand so that it'll fit up to like a 40 or so. Pics coming...


Thanks Guys. For now, it'll be a 20 gallon, but my husband built the stand so that it'll fit up to like a 40 or so. Pics coming...

I'll donate a 40 breeder if it will fit on the stand your husband built. PM me if you want it.

L x W x H: 38 1/8" x 18 3/16" x 16 7/8"
@nitr8 What an amazing offer, I wish I could do it! But the lights I have I don't think would be strong enough for it. (Plus they turn the AC off (actually a 4 hr timer) so I have to have a chiller, and I'm unsure if the one I found on here would be strong enough for it too...?) I just can't afford to upgrade either one (since those are the items that were obvious the most expensive for me). Maybe an upgrade for next year or when I can find bargains on here...? I really appreciate the offer and am bummed I don't have what's needed to do it now. :( Thank you again so much!
@nitr8 What an amazing offer, I wish I could do it! But the lights I have I don't think would be strong enough for it. (Plus they turn the AC off (actually a 4 hr timer) so I have to have a chiller, and I'm unsure if the one I found on here would be strong enough for it too...?) I just can't afford to upgrade either one (since those are the items that were obvious the most expensive for me). Maybe an upgrade for next year or when I can find bargains on here...? I really appreciate the offer and am bummed I don't have what's needed to do it now. :( Thank you again so much!

What chiller and lights do you have? I wouldn't imagine any chiller not being able to handle 40 gallons.
I don't have the chiller yet, I'm looking to purchase 1/10hp chiller. My LEDs are a DIY from reefers direct, 24 LEDs. (I'm having to be as energy conscious as I can...as you can tell my school (well guess school board) are very conscious, thus the ac timers) I may be okay on the chiller, you're right. I'm looking at a chiller now, I just haven't purchased one yet.


That's awesome!! There's too many people that don't understand our oceans & reefs.

Thanks - I think so too. What's sad is I'm at a low income school, and although we are an hour and a half at most from the oceans, many have never been to the beach! Let alone experience the true ocean! :( They have all seen the movies, and that's it. I remember last year I showed them a video of a nassarius snail (talking about adaptations/defenses) and they were blown away!! (They are now known as the "zombie snail" since it rises from below :) ha!)
What an excellent idea! I grew up catching all sorts of stuff in creeks back home in Tennessee. When I was in 7th grade a teacher of mine had a nano reef in her classroom. I used to stay after class and go in to look at the tank during my lunch period asking all kinds of questions! A few years later I started my own reef tank and now, 10 years later Im a marine scientist. They are such an inspiration to younger students!
I don't have the chiller yet, I'm looking to purchase 1/10hp chiller. My LEDs are a DIY from reefers direct, 24 LEDs. (I'm having to be as energy conscious as I can...as you can tell my school (well guess school board) are very conscious, thus the ac timers) I may be okay on the chiller, you're right. I'm looking at a chiller now, I just haven't purchased one yet.

The JBJ 1/10 HP chiller is rated for 100+ gallons. You can probably go quite a bit smaller and still be adequate. If the lights are too small for the dimensions of the 40b you could always just do an island of LR in the center. Well let me know what you decide. I have everything to drill the tank and I can supply you with all the bulkheads and probably most of the basic plumbing as well.
Hey, I'm in need of an external pump (like a mag 5-7) if anybody runs across a deal.
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I have both a 5 and a 7 sitting unused. I just need to double check that both work, in which case you are free to have one or the other.
TriggersAmuck - that would be so wonderful! I'm learning the "plumbing/technical" side but I know I need it for the chiller, so I'm at a stand still until I can find one. (Well I think that what I need it for - again learning...guess its not just educational for the kids) I really appreciate the offer! Just let me know. :)
If your not using a chiller now and everything is ok then you def dont need one for a larger tank. The more water the slower the temp change. Not that it wouldnt be a good idea but if your getting away with out now it would be better with more water. Four hours in the middle of the night shouldnt be 2 bad.
There are a lot of members on here that are just great people and want to help.
Hey thanks. I know - I'm overwhelmed with the people I've met so far and their encouraging words, assistance, etc. It's been wonderful!!
As for the chiller, the tank isn't setup and running in the room yet, but it's a must. :( I had a tank years ago (guy on Craigslist sold me an all-in-one setup with fish for cheap...I now know the benefit of a sump/refug, etc too), I left for a weekend and came back to a fried tank! Literally dissolved sea urchin, etc :( Can't do that again. The ac works on like an "egg timer" switch, turn the dial and you get 4 hrs of air...so it'd be a lot more if no ac time. Finding/affording a chiller has been why I haven't put one back in my room to date. I've just realized with this group of kids, it's worth it.
I really need I post pics, just haven't been at the computer. My hubby did an amazing job building me a "teaching tank stand" with ledges, etc for demonstrations notebooks, etc.
Livestock suggestions?

Livestock suggestions?

Ok we are getting closer to the cycling phase. Does anyone have any suggestions for livestock additions? I will have two small clownfish, and would like a starfish/sea star (although uncertain on type) and was thinking a goby and shrimp? I'm really hoping to show the kids as much diversity as I can in the small tank. I like the fact I can show mutualism/symbiotic relationships. Wondering if anyone has any suggestions for me??
I have my tank in my middle school classroom and I don't have a chiller. Even now during the summer. Check out my thread for some ideas or if I can offer any help!