Elephant Ear...


New member
hi guys, i bought an elephant ear coral and placed it beside my velvet plate coral. my question is, will the elephant ear kill the velvet plate when it spreads? because when the elephant ear spreads the velvet plate are being covered by the elephant ear.
what do you guys think?

your response is essential asap. thanks.
I've had a green elephant ear for 6 years at least, never had any problems with it eating fish. I have a algae blenny and a gobie that sit on it daily. Don't know about it killing a plate coral but mine is next to green star polyp in the sand bed and there is no fighting amongst the two.
I've had a green elephant ear for 6 years at least, never had any problems with it eating fish. I have a algae blenny and a gobie that sit on it daily. Don't know about it killing a plate coral but mine is next to green star polyp in the sand bed and there is no fighting amongst the two.

That is good to hear, the only one I have seen was at my LFS and it ate the clowns which hosted it. :sad2: This was a large one though, bigger than a dinner plate.
I hate common names, are we talking about a Rhodactis mussoides? I know many rhodactis can eat fish but I dont believe this species is among them. A lot of mushrooms can burn corals so I would give it some room.

This was a large one though, bigger than a dinner plate.

That sounds like an Amplexidiscus which is definately a fish eater.