Elephant ears??


New member
I have a red mushroom that has really gotten big over the last few months..almost 4 inches across. It now spends most of the day extended into a cup shape. It seems to have a very large foot on the rock. Is this what is refered to as an elephant ear? Any info would be appreciated. Thanks
here is a picture I took last night...notice the small one to the side..is this normal to see mushrooms with this kind of extension? They go flat when the lights are out... what do you think??
Those are red discosomas, I think: the trumpet shape is mostly because it's trying for more light, and food, trying to out grab its taller neighbor.

The elephant ear is a threat to fishes that perch or rest; the reds are just a nice-looking mushroom.
The elephant ears are much larger and too big for a 12 g. If you can get a 70 watt halide on your tank, the ones you have will flatten and spread quickly (so will everything else). You could put yours at the top of your tank. These are mine at 18 " from 175mh 10 k.
This is my tank at 6 months old and I think it is doing great with stock lights...everything is growing too fast now...I don't want it to go faster !!
They will move. They will split through lateral fission. It leaves behind enough tissues to grow a new mush. You can cut the head off and leave some behind as well. Just be carefull with those things because they are neat at first. After they settle in, they will spread to places you don't want them.