
Matthias Gross

.Registered Member
How and when can i send a mail?

There are 2 options:
1. The (W)LAN-card is able to send a mail in case of an alarm.
How to do this is explained here:

2. Use ProfiLuxControl
The next version of ProfiLuxControl will be able to send mails! Disadvantage is that a PC with ProfiLuxControl must be connected. But the advantage are that there will be more options:
- send mail in the event of an alarm
- send mail after a period of time (like a status report)
- more information in the mail
- more flexibility (recipients, subject, content)
and you can use this email-feature even without having a (W)LAN-card! USB or RS232 is enough.
Great info Matthias, English good too :D

I will admit I fall into the catagory of hard of thinking so not having to have a network set up for this feature will be a great advantage, and as far as I know the only controller on the market with this easy feature

Great work ;)
Matthias, unless I am missing something, I do not see in the pdf where it talks about sending a mail in case of an alarm?

Time of year i am afraid, everyone wanting everything at once. I know it looks like just a small PDF but many small items build to one big pile of work

Patience it will come!
as i wrote you in a PM: We had this doc but we lost it because of a harddisc crash!

This "small doc" needs some hours - screenshots have to be made, understandable text has to be written.