Emerald Crab Killer


New member
My emerald mithrix crab just ate a piece of the new mushrooms I put in the tank 2 hours ago. I chased him away.

Does this mean he will continue to feed on them, or is this typical and now he realizes they are not food?

Is there any chance that the mushroom will survive (assuming no further attacks)? It is missing a good sized piece.
the mushroom was just put into the tank (was healthy at the LFS) ... can I do anything to keep my crab fed so that he doesn't do stuff like that?
You cannot reason with an invertebrate, and training one is no good prospect. If he has discovered a food source, he will be back.
anyone in chicago have a hungry trigger? actually, i think i will keep him and just not keep mushrooms, but if he touches anything else, he is gone.