end of line product

Hi Matthias,

I tried to PM you earlier, but it seems that you or reefcentral blocked it.

This what I received:

"Matthias Gross has chosen not to receive private messages or may not be allowed to receive private messages. Therefore you may not send your message to him/her.

If you are trying to send this message to multiple recipients, remove Matthias Gross from the recipient list and send the message again."

or should I email you?

best regards,

One more day! Don't delay!!
I've emailed Gareth at Progressive Reef but still havent heard back from him about this.....

I really hope they're not all gone before I hear back from him......
Ordered through Progressive Reef only to find out that MarineMad dropped their app because GHL is supposedly making one, but GHL doesn't know when it will be out....

FML. :headwalls:

I'm out for work ALOT so I want to be able to watch my parameters and possibly make changes while away, will this still be possible through the web interface or am I stuck waiting for an app to be released ???
Well, it looks like I'm not the only one who feels let down by your company not honoring its promise of future upgradability. I can switch to APEX for less than the cost of your new upgrade plan. I just wish I wasn't stuck with this P2 now that nobody is likely to buy because of your upgrade/trade-in debacle. Good job hosing us, thanks!
The PII isn't a dead horse and there is still a viable market for PII controllers. I feel your pain about "future upgradability" but sometimes the infrastructure has to change to allow future technologies to be added/implemented. GHL has worked hard to try and keep everyone happy and "updated" but sometimes its just not possible to make everything compatible with every single component ever made. It's not even feasible to think that it can be done while also implementing new and upcoming technologies.

If your PII is working great right now then you're good to go for a long time to come with what you have. Go ahead and try APEX and see where you are in a couple of years once they come out with Next-APEX or whatever.
Nana -If you wish to upgrade it will cost you about $50 more and you get a brand new controller, take it or leave it, but i do not wish to see anymore comments in relation to this on this forum.

The appropriate action is to contact the distributor if you have issues, not go around trouncing every related thread. If you have an issue contact us diectly i do not wish to see every thread on this forum pulled apart by one individual, I am sorry but we have strict rules on this forum to keep it appropriate, if you dont like them then there are other forums, maybe even Apex as you seem very enthuised by them.

Now i ask you kindly to let this rest, you have had your say on the matter.
Well, it looks like I'm not the only one who feels let down by your company not honoring its promise of future upgradability. I can switch to APEX for less than the cost of your new upgrade plan. I just wish I wasn't stuck with this P2 now that nobody is likely to buy because of your upgrade/trade-in debacle. Good job hosing us, thanks!

Lol, this makes me laugh. A new version of a device came out and now your old one is suddenly obsolete? Everything gets updated with technology. You're lucky enough that there's actually something you can do to get the new one without paying the full price for that new one.
Good luck with your future endeavor.
Lol, this makes me laugh. A new version of a device came out and now your old one is suddenly obsolete? Everything gets updated with technology. You're lucky enough that there's actually something you can do to get the new one without paying the full price for that new one.
Good luck with your future endeavor.

No, it's not obsolete but I'm not getting the upgradability that I was promised when I bought my controller.

Firstly, I have the right to express my dissatisfaction. If I get banned for that then there is a bigger problem.
Secondly, the initial post said it would cost $549 to upgrade from P2EX to P3EX. If I misread that then I am happy to apologize and give you another $50. I will even sing your praises and give thanks. Let me know if I was wrong.
If you have an issue, we ask all our clients to contact us directly this forum is not for rectifying personal disputes about pricing or policies, if this forum was not here you would have no choice. This forum is for product announcments general chat and education, not for personal disputes about GHL or our policies.

In regards to pricing please remember the prices include all shipping back to you and there is an option to have the controller shipped to you before you send in the old one, so there is no down time. In regards to the P11EX to P3EX upgrade yes are aware of a jump in price, however the controllers are supplied as factory sealed units, we can not start changing the product types around, so yes there is a jump but its up to the consumer to decide if that jump is worth it. However we will look into ways of addressing this later on, one option maybe that you do not have to send in your old controller so you have the option yourself of selling the plus IIEX and offsetting the cost. but we need to establish demand first before adding a policy to a policy.

Also please remember there are very few people out there now wishing to update or exchange and as the plus II is no longer supplied as a new item the requirement for this upgrade program will become less and less, for now it simply bridges a gap to help a few out that are not quite ready right now to make that leap. So far since announcement nobody has requested the exchange so I hardly see this as a big event.

If you have any further concerns I ask you to please respect our policy and contact us directly and not to continue posting here. I think enough has been said on the subject already. I do not wish to have yet another thread removed.
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