Enough Light


New member
I would like opinions on my lighting, Intense enough for clams?

I have 4 46.5" Icecap VHO (440 watts) on a 75 aga.

My bulbs are 4" from the water surface and 20" to the bottom.

My tank looks very bright.

Please give me opinions I would love to have a clam.
Peabody, thanks for the reply. Even though I did a search and found some info, I still like to here others opinions!
Peabody said:
You might be good for a squamosa or a derasa. Avoid maximas and croceas, as they need metal halide.

Agreed. You MAY be able to keep squamosas or deresas (and gigas), but definitally not maxi's or croceas.

I think most everyone on this board will have that same openion.

Make sure you dose phyto!

Good luck!:thumbsup: