Equipment for sale!


The OG mad scientist
Went thru my equipment pile and found all of this anybody interested?
Ballast -I'm 100% sure one outlet works
mjmods-3mj's1200 with magnet mounts-used for 6-7 months no problems.
bulbs-3 400w 10k's-used for a month and decided to go 20 k
Check out the pricing retail and we can work from 1/2 price down, trades are def welcome.
[/IMG] :cool:
Mjmods- dibbs for andy , then bawla, the drake.
If anybody runs 400 10 k i'll give u all 3 for $50 or sps trade-giving them away as they are not being used.
As far as the ballast retail $130
$40-50 or trade takes it, even less for the right trade lol
I'll take the MJ's if the previous pass and I may be interested in the 10k's also if you will ship
I'll take the MJ's if the previous pass and I may be interested in the 10k's also if you will ship
Ok let me find out how much is the s/h and will add that to the total price for the bulbs.
I'll keep u posted on the mods.