Equipment list...what am I forgetting?


Plumbing Engineer
Ok Im finishing up the design for my tanks wiring/control setup and Im making a list of everything that needs power for the tank, and I want to make sure I dont forget anything. Here is what I have so far.

Moon Lights
Fuge light
Frag tank light
Ground Loop pump
Closed Loop Pump
Skimmer pump (and air pump if needed)
Power heads
Calc reactor (solenoid and recirc pump)
Sea swirls
Auto top off
Denitrator(recirc pump)
Mixing tank heater/ fan
Mixing tank pump
Alk,calc, mag Dosing pumps

so can anyone think of anything else that could possibly be on a tank and need power?
Controller will be doing timing, and control based on temp, ph and orp. Im using a relays system along with the controller to allow me to control very high wattage items on each channel.

And I have a OM, but im not gonna use it :)

Keep em coming, dont want to forget anything.
RODI, Float switches for top off, too high switch to shut the skimmer off, trigger alarms as well as a failsafe for top off, too low switch for alarms, solenoids for additional failsafe for ATO. Might as well consider a litermeter to manage auto water changes.
Drier for ozone if your not using beads.

Im sure I will think of more after I post this but this is just a few of what came to mind. I have all of the above on my system. Out of everything I have, the things that I think are most valuable to me and my system are the redundant float switches and solenoids which lead me to the most important things that I dont know how I lived without for the last 20+ years of my salt experience....... ATO which you mentioned and number one on my list.. Auto water changer in conjunction with an ATO and or good controller with conductivity monitoring! I think that is one of the best inventions available for the aquarium for those of us who can take advantage of it. Water quality is number one and those 2 things together can really help to insure the water quality is all that it can be without the additional labor.
I use a calcium reactor and dose 3 part, and dont really like kalk. And already have the co2 solenoid drawn in.

Also have a solenoid on the ATO which is a mechanical float valve, I will use the solenoid so its only on for 5 min or so twice a day and controled by the backup level switches.

The high switch for the skimmer is a great idea though! But Ill be adding the level switches later as they are low voltage stuff for the controller and i want to get the 120v stuff wired in first.

Where else do you use solenoids?

As far as water changes go, I have it setup to drain the 150g fuge and refill it from the mixing tank. Takes all of 5 min to turn the two valves and one switch to do a full 150g change.