I want to pose a series of questions for the sole purpose of debate and discussion. We can all agree to disagree and still be civil and respectful. That said, I want to hear what each of you have to say on the topic in question.
As everyone can clearly see, the desire to keep zoanthids and palythoas has grown exponentially over the past 2 or 3 years. The quest to have this polyp or that polyp is all the rage now and it has brought polyp keeping to the forefront I think as something to be desired. As with any coral purchase, knowledge of the coral's environmental requirements are equally as important as the quest to own them. Also, it's an unavoidable fact that all polyps from multiple regions around the globe will not fair well in every tank. The notion that polyps are very hardy and almost indestructible is a myth and simply put, not true. Polyps can, do and will succumb even in what we consider optimal conditions, why? The challenge is trying to accommodate the needs of those polyps which come from varying regions, shallow water vs deeper water, low nutrient vs high nutrient area, chaotic high flow vs low flow areas, near run offs vs pristine areas of collection. Polyps with longer skirts/tentacles can tolerate higher flow/currents than shorter skirted polyps. So the challenge is there to find the right mixed within your system to keep a host of polyps from different regions happy.
Anyone who has kept polyps for any great length of time has loss a frag or colony here and there for absolutely no explainable reason. You've done everything correctly, all other polyps were doing well, yet your favorite frag or colony went downhill overnight and never came back. You may have even purchased that same variant over and over again and each time it was met with eventual mortality.
So here's my question.
1. If you purchased a specific polyp, frag or colony and it failed to survive in your system, should you buy the same polyp, frag or colony over and over again if it perishes each and every time you place it in your system?
2. Is it moral or ethically correct to continue to kill the same polyp, frag or colony hoping that one of them will eventually live?
3. Or, should the reefer search/inquire of this specific polyps needs and challenges prior to continually purchasing and killing it repeatedly. In short, trying to figure out what it will take to keep it alive, instead of killing the polyp over and over again hoping it will somehow survive.
4. Is it our moral and ethical obligation to do this for the sake and vitality of the corals?
Hope to hear from everyone on this topic.
Mucho Reef
As everyone can clearly see, the desire to keep zoanthids and palythoas has grown exponentially over the past 2 or 3 years. The quest to have this polyp or that polyp is all the rage now and it has brought polyp keeping to the forefront I think as something to be desired. As with any coral purchase, knowledge of the coral's environmental requirements are equally as important as the quest to own them. Also, it's an unavoidable fact that all polyps from multiple regions around the globe will not fair well in every tank. The notion that polyps are very hardy and almost indestructible is a myth and simply put, not true. Polyps can, do and will succumb even in what we consider optimal conditions, why? The challenge is trying to accommodate the needs of those polyps which come from varying regions, shallow water vs deeper water, low nutrient vs high nutrient area, chaotic high flow vs low flow areas, near run offs vs pristine areas of collection. Polyps with longer skirts/tentacles can tolerate higher flow/currents than shorter skirted polyps. So the challenge is there to find the right mixed within your system to keep a host of polyps from different regions happy.
Anyone who has kept polyps for any great length of time has loss a frag or colony here and there for absolutely no explainable reason. You've done everything correctly, all other polyps were doing well, yet your favorite frag or colony went downhill overnight and never came back. You may have even purchased that same variant over and over again and each time it was met with eventual mortality.
So here's my question.
1. If you purchased a specific polyp, frag or colony and it failed to survive in your system, should you buy the same polyp, frag or colony over and over again if it perishes each and every time you place it in your system?
2. Is it moral or ethically correct to continue to kill the same polyp, frag or colony hoping that one of them will eventually live?
3. Or, should the reefer search/inquire of this specific polyps needs and challenges prior to continually purchasing and killing it repeatedly. In short, trying to figure out what it will take to keep it alive, instead of killing the polyp over and over again hoping it will somehow survive.
4. Is it our moral and ethical obligation to do this for the sake and vitality of the corals?
Hope to hear from everyone on this topic.
Mucho Reef
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