ETSS Skimmer Club!

Re: SB 40 Update

Re: SB 40 Update

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14668783#post14668783 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jmsalt1
Well, I made a minor modification to my SB 40 skimmer that I wanted to pass along to others using this skimmer or those that may be looking at purchasing one. This mod was based on something Mojo did to his while he owned it and reviewed it. I drilled a small 3/8" hole (two would probably be fine too) in the collection cup lid. .

Since drilling the lid do you still have enough back pressure to kill the foam head if the skimmer goes nuts.

I have my waste container built so if enough waste builds up it submerges the hose and the back pressure causes the head to collapse and stop foaming, this saved me from an overflow one day also kept my salinity from getting all out of whack.

I run mine in about 7in of water and it does great, and I agree about it being much better then the Square Box Reef Devil, I have one of those also.
Re: Re: SB 40 Update

Re: Re: SB 40 Update

Originally posted</a> by shleprock30
Since drilling the lid do you still have enough back pressure to kill the foam head if the skimmer goes nuts.

I have my waste container built so if enough waste builds up it submerges the hose and the back pressure causes the head to collapse and stop foaming, this saved me from an overflow one day also kept my salinity from getting all out of whack.

I run mine in about 7in of water and it does great, and I agree about it being much better then the Square Box Reef Devil, I have one of those also.
Good point and it looks like we have some experience with the same skimmers (smaller AE-Tech models). I had the same initial thought about drilling the lid when I read that Mojo had done that and here is what I found. Upon initial start-up less than a month ago on the SB-40 I did have it go nuts and overflow my waste collection container upon initial break in before I had drilled the hole in the lid. My approach was the same as both of us have done in the past with the Reef Devil, the drain hose from the collection cup would become submerged in my waste container and the back pressure would do exactly as you state, the head would collapse and stop foaming, giving me a chance to empty it and make the appropriate adjustment. The reason this worked on my box style Reef Devil II is that the lid was a nice tight fit on the collection cup and the pump couldn't pop it up when that back pressure was being created. On the SB-40 the lid just rests loosely on the top of the collection cup (cost cutting and less clearance for under the tank installations?) so when that back pressure is created it just pushes the lid up letting the air escape and the skimmer keeps going and does make a mess. Fortunately, my skimmer is in an aquarium room with an epoxy floor and a floor drain nearby so no real damage done. If the skimmer was under the tank, I would have had a real mess. The most complex and reliable way to avoid such a mess would be to install a level sensor on the waste container that would kill the skimmer if it were reached with fluid. Alternatively, one could tape the lid down or find an alternative way to keep it firmly in place to help create the back pressure needed to kill it and keep it from overflowing the waste container. Finally, it might not have overflowed if the hose was deeper in the waste collection container as mine only becomes submerged in about 2-3 inches of skimmate before it starts overflowing the container. I think having the hose lower in the container might have made a difference but can't be sure. At a minimum, it would have bought me a little more time.

With regards to salinity, I check my tank room twice daily, if not more frequently and at the rate this skimmer operates, it would really need to go over the top crazy to make this a problem. I will probably lengthen the hose a bit as a preventative measure.
Yep, same skimmers. :) On my SB40 the lid fits really snug, I actually have to work to get it off most times when I clean it.

I can see the reasoning if the lid is loose fitting, I was actually relieved when mine went nuts that time and it killed the foam head. I have my hose about 1/2 way down a gallon container.

My ATO is 5 gallons and on a 37gal plus a 10gal sump it would make a huge difference in salinity if the skimmer flooded and cause all the topoff water to go in.
would u guys recommend a sb-40 for a 70 gallon sps tank? I was thinking about going nw (msx 160) but I found a good price on a sb-40 system that is built into a sump. I'd be saving some money doing it this way, but i don't want to jeopardize the quality of the water. any thoughts?

If you are getting a good deal on it and can easily switch over to another skimmer in the future based on your set-up, I don't think you have anything to lose. If you find it not performing to your standards, you can probably sell it for about what you pay for it assuming you are getting it at a good price compared to paying retail. I am using one and am pleased with it although my tank is not a heavily stocked SPS tank. I would not be surprised to see it perform even better on your tank as there will be more to pull out making it work pretty consistently to remove skimmate. I'd run it with a MAG 9.5 not a 7 IMHO. I think this is a nice skimmer due to its overall footprint which is desirable for under the tank installations where space is at a premium.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14720407#post14720407 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Iostream
The sb-40 built in is the protean 400, it will be more than enough for a 70G SPS tank.

yea thats it. the protean 400. I think i might go with that setup over a msx160. any other thoughts?
jmsalt, well that's the thing, the protean 400 has the sb 40 built in. so i wouldn't be able to sell it later on unless i sell the whole thing. ill be getting the whole setup for the price you would pay for a new sb. which is really good, about half the price. I think im gonna pull the trigger. thanks
well after some time and alot of fiddling around i felt like my skimmer still wasnt skimming up to par. so i broke down and reinstalled it outside the sump and man i wish i would have done it sooner. this thing is a beast....thanks for all the help jdieck and eveyone else that tried to help me out im so glad i bought this skimmer
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14768291#post14768291 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by vls4330
can the ETS800 be used as external skimmer
Yes it can:
Do i need to drill a hole in my sump or can the pump be in my sump with the plumbing over the edge of the sump. also i was thinking of getting the 800 model but it looks like the 900 model is cheaper. i have the room for the larger one. which one would be better?
As long as your pump can handle the head pressure it doesn't matter really. An external pump is going to be better in that it won't heat your tank up a ton.

If you mean the skimmer outlet, you can have the skimmer external and have it raised so that the outlet goes down. You don't want a significant up on the outlet.

I'd definitely go for the 900 if you can. The taller downdraft is the way to go!
I would not recommend a submersible pump as none of the ones I know are pressure rated for a downdraft skimmer regardless of the rated flow.
This means drilling at least one hole for the pump. The skimmer can be in a stand outside the sump with the outlet draining down into the sump over the side but not directed upward and then downward. For the 900 I would recommend an iwaki 55 RLT pump, to avoid cavitation and maintain full pump performance I would advise using a 1-1/4 inlet pipe diameter (1"minimum if you can't find 1-1/4" bulkheads) reduce to 3/4" at the pump inlet and for the discharge use a diameter of 3/4" hose minimum.
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I was about to give up on my 700 ETSS skimmer, when it finally started to produce skimmate. For some unknown reason, it stopped producing skimmate and then it took 6 weeks before it started again. Did not do anything to it. Go figure. I purchase a new skimmer and waiting until it breaks in. Going to go with the new skimmer for my tank. It is a NW type and got a great deal on it.