ETSS Skimmer Club!

have to cut the pump back for the water level to be in the proper position then you are going to cut back on skimmer proformance
What happens if you fully open the output valve and adjust the foam column using the pump trottle valve?
Does the foam overflows if you open the pump valve with the output valve fully open?
no... but the bubble column goes half way up the first clear tube. is that acceptable? last time i did that i was still getting tons of lite colored wet skimmate
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14652875#post14652875 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by yasmar01
no... but the bubble column goes half way up the first clear tube. is that acceptable? last time i did that i was still getting tons of lite colored wet skimmate
So if fully opening the inlet does not overflow the foam then fully open the inlet (The pump trottle valve) and use the ouput valve to adjust the foam column to reach the flange that joins the top raiser and collection cup to the lower raiser.
Let it run a couple of days after which three things could happen.
a) The column does no longer rise and goo gets accumulated on the sides of the riser, in this case it is skimming and you just need to only close the output valve more.
b) The foam rises and overflows without concentrating much. In this case just open the outlet valve more to the point the foam stops overflowing
c) The foam does not rise and there is no goo accumulation. In this case it is a sign thet there is very little stuff to skim or the skimmer needs more time to kick in. So just wait longer.

Note that as far as you get bubbles and there is stuff to be skimmed it will skim regardless if the foam reaches the collection cup or not, the difference is that if it does not reach the cup the goo will concentrate and accumulate on the sides of the riser so if there is no goo acumulation neither on the riser nor on the cup then there is something in the water column that prevents proteins attaching the surface of the bubbles, most comonly some kind of oils.
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so i am supposed to get the water column to the first flange joint? i thought you were only supposed to get it as high as 1 inch above the black box.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14653429#post14653429 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by yasmar01
so i am supposed to get the water column to the first flange joint? i thought you were only supposed to get it as high as 1 inch above the black box.

The key is not the water level. As Jose pointed out, the key is whether skimmate is forming anywhere. So start as he suggested, with the pump fully open, and use the output valve to slowly raise the column until skimmate reaches the cup.

Assuming you get muck accumulating on the riser, then closing the outlet valve will raise it to the cup.

Note that tiny adjustments on the outlet valve can have an enormous effect on the foam column. As little as a 1-degree turn can cause overflow or collapse.

So a tiny tweak and then wait a day and see what happens.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14653429#post14653429 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by yasmar01
so i am supposed to get the water column to the first flange joint? i thought you were only supposed to get it as high as 1 inch above the black box.
That instruction is valid only as start point and it is set purposedly very low to prevent the skimmer to overflow once it kicks in. Once kicked in you are supposed to use the output valve to adjust a bit at a time the height of the foam column that will give you the "dryness" of skimmate you look for.
The higher the foam column setting the lighter and more wet the foam will be, the lower the foam height setting the dryer and more concentrated the foam will be.
If the colum height is set too low, very little or no skimmate will be collected in the cup and instead the goo will pile up attached to the sides of the riser.
As Ostrow mentions above once the column of foam reaches near the cup, a small adjustments to the output valve will make the difference between too much or no skimmate so at that point just very, very small adjustments are to be made.
Sump Buddy 40

Sump Buddy 40

Well, my 10 year old + Reef Devil II is officially retired! I replaced it with the Sump Buddy 40 about two weeks ago. It took a good week for the skimmer to break in. My only complaint with AE Tech skimmers, at least these two models, is how long the foam collapses when I feed. Even when I don't feed with Selcon, the foam collapses for almost half a day. Just using Life Line herbivore this will happen for hours. Anyone else out there having similar experiences? I know this will happen with most if not all skimmers but the downtime seems a bit long. If I feed in the afternoon, I don't have skimmate being produced again until the next morning. My tank is not heavily stocked but this particular set-up is about 2+ years old so I'm not sure if the duration of foam collapsing like this is longer on downdraft skimmers compared to mesh or needle wheel skimmers, cones and other "high end" skimmers that start pushing $1K.
Depends on the food, perhaps. I feed only Rod's, PE M.Y.S.I.S. or nori. On my needlewheels, I'd lose skimming for 3hrs or more. On the ETSS 1000, it is skimming again within 30min.

BUT: it skims like crazy, nice and thick with foam filling the whole cup, after about 30-40min. Then there's nothing for a few hrs.

I think because the water gets real clean.

How soon do you check after feeding?
Sump Buddy 40

Sump Buddy 40

I check periodically, 2, 4, 6 ... hours out and 8 hours plus is not uncommon. I'm just wondering if what I'm experiencing is unique to downdraft skimmers. I wouldn't think that it is but have seen that complaint before about downdrafts. I have only owned two skimmers (that CPR Backpak on my QT doesn't count) and both were AE Tech downdrafts.
well guys after all this....i feel like an idiot. i did what jdieck told me to do when i got home and it still didnt seem to be skimming right so i went to adjust my pump and accidentaly hit the hose to my collection cup and it pulled off the skimmer and BOOM!! this thing is skmming like crazy. the hose i was using was to small. i already have a ton of dark skimmate in my bucket. thanks for all the help guys sorry i was such a
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14655638#post14655638 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by yasmar01
well guys after all this....i feel like an idiot. i did what jdieck told me to do when i got home and it still didnt seem to be skimming right so i went to adjust my pump and accidentaly hit the hose to my collection cup and it pulled off the skimmer and BOOM!! this thing is skmming like crazy. the hose i was using was to small. i already have a ton of dark skimmate in my bucket. thanks for all the help guys sorry i was such a
If you knew the things I have done :D
I don't even understand what you are talking about yasmar but great that it is working.

jmsalt it may be the foods you are using. I can tell you after feeding a piece of Rod's food that is the size of a half dollar, I get thick skimming after maybe 30min every time.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14656110#post14656110 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ostrow
I don't even understand what you are talking about yasmar but great that it is working.
If the diameter of the hose to drain the skimmate from the collection cup is too small it acts to restrict the outflow of air which collapses the foam column.
Similar to what you are doing when restricting the vent from the waste collector.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14657199#post14657199 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jdieck
If the diameter of the hose to drain the skimmate from the collection cup is too small it acts to restrict the outflow of air which collapses the foam column.
Similar to what you are doing when restricting the vent from the waste collector.
Forgot to mention that the smae thing could happen if the hose draining the skimmate into a waste collection container is too tighttly inserted in the container wall/cap and the container is not vented so the skimmer air has nowere to go.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14656110#post14656110 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ostrow jmsalt it may be the foods you are using. I can tell you after feeding a piece of Rod's food that is the size of a half dollar, I get thick skimming after maybe 30min every time. [/B]
Could be the food. I can understand the reaction with Selcon being added but straight up Life Line Herbivore Minced putting the skimmer on the sidelines for hours is a bit concerning. I may pick up some Rod's Food from Glen at Advanced as I believe he carries it locally. Nice to see Rod's Food is made just down state in Dekalb!
SB 40 Update

SB 40 Update

Well, I made a minor modification to my SB 40 skimmer that I wanted to pass along to others using this skimmer or those that may be looking at purchasing one. This mod was based on something Mojo did to his while he owned it and reviewed it. I drilled a small 3/8" hole (two would probably be fine too) in the collection cup lid. I did this because I noticed the cap "popping" just a bit at times even though my drain hose coming off the collection cup is sized properly and is draining off just fine. You can feel the air coming through the hole in the lid. After drilling the hole I do think the skimmer has performed better although that could also be the fact that it has broken in completely. I don't have a heavily stocked tank by any means which may be the reason the skimmer takes some time to kick back in after feeding. Not sure as time will tell. Overall, this skimmer is a drastic improvement over the old box type Reef Devil II I was running and is a good value. I'm running it in about 5 1/2" of water which shows how versatile it is since it can run in up to 11" as well. Curious where others running the SB 40 are keeping the water level within the skimmer itself. Mine is about 1" or so below the box (where the box ends and the riser begins).