ETSS Skimmer Club!

Thanks Indy! That's a great idea on the fishing line. I was wondering how to get them out without tearing the skimmer completely down.

The rock I put in the tub is pretty nasty so I'm not worried about having enough organics. I've gotten the skimmer to pull some stuff out but so far the skimmate has been too wet. I adjusted the back pressure and brought the foam head down the bottom of the tower so that very little water is actually visable. This seems like it will work if I can just get enough surface tension to build the bubble column to the top.

I noticed what you mean by the skimmer being twitchy. Everytime I reach in the tub the bubbles collapse and it takes a few hours to get them back. I may end up getting some more bioballs from ETSS. Has anyone tried anything else besides the ones that came with the skimmer?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13222040#post13222040 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Zen685
Thanks Indy! That's a great idea on the fishing line. I was wondering how to get them out without tearing the skimmer completely down.

The rock I put in the tub is pretty nasty so I'm not worried about having enough organics. I've gotten the skimmer to pull some stuff out but so far the skimmate has been too wet. I adjusted the back pressure and brought the foam head down the bottom of the tower so that very little water is actually visable. This seems like it will work if I can just get enough surface tension to build the bubble column to the top.

I noticed what you mean by the skimmer being twitchy. Everytime I reach in the tub the bubbles collapse and it takes a few hours to get them back. I may end up getting some more bioballs from ETSS. Has anyone tried anything else besides the ones that came with the skimmer?

just an additional note, if you dont have enough flow in a rock curing bin type setup, alot of the organics will form into a film on the surface instead of dissolving into the water column. Make sure there is surface agitation so you skim the film instead of letting it build too much.
pmoneyt: To get thicker skimmate, open the gate a little bit more and drop the water level in the skimmer. You will get dryer skimmate, but do it in small increments until you find the level you really want..
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13451299#post13451299 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by MarineGirl411
Is it possible to overskim with these skimmers or is that just a myth?

I guess that depends on what kind of tank you want. If you are growing echinophyllia, zoas, or other things which like "dirty" water (high protein and bacteria content in the water column,) then yes, it would be possible to overskim (with almost ANY skimmer.)

Otherwise, no -- it's a myth. My 500 gallon total capacity system (300 gallon SPS dominated show tank) runs on a modified ETSS 900, and I keep ORP levels around 420-440 without ozone. Very efficient skimmer.
Would an Etss 600 work on my 65+ gallon tank until I set up my 110+ gallon system? Or would it not pull anything at all? Please let me know. Thank you
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13455732#post13455732 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by MarineGirl411
Would an Etss 600 work on my 65+ gallon tank until I set up my 110+ gallon system? Or would it not pull anything at all? Please let me know. Thank you

It will work just fine. I ran my Sump Buddy 40 on my 34g RSM while waiting for my 90G setup. It tended to skim in spurts, but was plenty effective. Basically you just have to remember that there wont be as much to pull, so the performance you see on your 65G is not an indication of what the skimmer is really capable of.
for any of you that have run both a downdraft (etss) and a beckett (pm, mrc, etc.) would you mind comparing the two? i'm interested in the recurring maintenance that's required for each.

how often do you have to tune each? ym understanding is that the downdraft is more set and forget while the becketts require a bit more frequent tuning. i've also heard that the becketts themselves need to be cleaned out every couple of weeks or so?

would love to hear any thoughts as i'm looking at both for the next build..
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13456830#post13456830 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by porthios
for any of you that have run both a downdraft (etss) and a beckett (pm, mrc, etc.) would you mind comparing the two? i'm interested in the recurring maintenance that's required for each.

how often do you have to tune each? ym understanding is that the downdraft is more set and forget while the becketts require a bit more frequent tuning. i've also heard that the becketts themselves need to be cleaned out every couple of weeks or so?

would love to hear any thoughts as i'm looking at both for the next build..

The main difference is that a beckett skimmer needs to be cleaned fairly often (once a week or so) and a downdraft doesn't really need to be cleaned more than once every month or longer.

A beckett skimmer can clog very easily (the air intake.)

The ETSS skimmers are a bear to tune the first time, but then after that it is pretty much forget about the skimmer.

When tuning, remember that 1/8th turn on the valve can mean the difference between overflowing with wet skimmate, and perfect dry skimmate.
New to the hobby, I have a ETSS 600, getting conflicting thougts on where the water level should be, two inches below the top of the black box or two inches up into the first cylinder?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13457468#post13457468 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Duckster
New to the hobby, I have a ETSS 600, getting conflicting thougts on where the water level should be, two inches below the top of the black box or two inches up into the first cylinder?

It has been a while, but I recall that the water level should be just slightly into the first cylinder. I think 2 inches is a bit much, maybe 1 inch?
Water level really depends on the feed pump. On my ETSS 900, I run the water level about 1/2" below the main riser.
I have an ETSS 1000 and love it. I love the fact thatit's set and forget but i've been reading that people have been modding them. What kind of mods can you do to these things?
I love these skimmers. I've had my 800 for 2+ years. Never again will I waste my money on a needlewheel or venturi skimmer.
