ETSS Skimmer Club!

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13962371#post13962371 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by vlepouce
Thanks for the quick reply Iostream. My plans were to run it on the Mag 9.5 Figured might as well get the most performance from it. How many balls and what size are you using with which pump?

I am using a mag 9.5 with 12 of the smaller bio balls. Last time I talked to ETSS they said many users with the mag 9.5 are using larger bio balls to reduce foaming issues, but I have not had any issues so see no reason to switch yet.
I ordered mine direct from ETSS and he suggested starting at 6 small balls and adjusting accordingly, but said that if I had to much foam to switch to the larger that he was including. Should be here friday, can not wait to get this up and running. How long did you have to wait for the skimming to start?
Hard to say because this first ran on an RSM. At 34G there was never much skimmate. When I moved to the 90G it was immediate, but the skimmer was broken in...
This is going on the 120. The 800 is overkill for this tank so its packed in a box right now, just running a cheap needle wheel until this gets here. Hopefully it will skim soon as the needle wheel just does not produce a lot of skimmate, and I have a pretty good bioload.
Anyone here running a Reef Devil with a Mag 9.5 rather than a Mag 7? I'm just curious because my skimmer sits on an old salt bucket right now with maybe 24" head heighth and i think that with that head i'm losing my rated 700 gph. Would stepping up the pump help with this model skimmer?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13968077#post13968077 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by cnaegler
Anyone here running a Reef Devil with a Mag 9.5 rather than a Mag 7? I'm just curious because my skimmer sits on an old salt bucket right now with maybe 24" head heighth and i think that with that head i'm losing my rated 700 gph. Would stepping up the pump help with this model skimmer?

I would increase that to a Mag 9.5 for sure, the 2 ft plus the height of the tower would be giving you about 500 gph after the head loss. If you got here and click on more info you can see a great chart that shows the pgh for the head on the mag drive pumps:
Anyone ever do a beckett mod on the ETSS skimmer? Is so how was he performance after wards, was the mod easy? Finally any links or info to the mod? Just curious saw this on a ETSS 600 on ebay.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13968077#post13968077 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by cnaegler
Anyone here running a Reef Devil with a Mag 9.5 rather than a Mag 7? I'm just curious because my skimmer sits on an old salt bucket right now with maybe 24" head heighth and i think that with that head i'm losing my rated 700 gph. Would stepping up the pump help with this model skimmer?

I run a mag 9.5 on my reef devil with no problems. At first I had a little water leaking from the down tube where the water enters but a quick fix solved that. I just added a little teflon tape around the insert that goes into the down tube to make it a tighter fit. No complaints
I have never used anything but true pressure rated pumps on these so I can't comment on a mag with a venturi.
I ran an 800 for a while and it was VERY impressive and I have run quite a few skimmers- NW, beckett and even skimmerless for a while. These skimmers are built like tanks and never need adjusting once you get it set.

I now run a similar DIY version of the ETSS 900 except I made mine with a taller reaction chamber and it goes 6" to 5" to 4" instead of the 5" to 4". I made the chamber as tall as the bio ball chamber. Great skimmers IMHO
Just saw this thread and thought I'd jump in and state that I've used an ETSS 700 that I bought used for about the last 6 years. Great skimmer. I used to push it with a mak4 pump (about 1000 gph) and was forced to go submersible pump due to system changes - now running it with a mag 12. Works great.
Hi all i found this thread a few days ago and have just finished reading it. first let me say i have only be doing the SW tank since July of 07' it is a 120 gal with a Gal tank for sump/ref, total about 130-140 gallons. i was using a ASM G with gate/re-cir and mesh mod until 2 months ago when i got an etss 800 xr. looks just like this one down to the white pvc fittings. it is fed by a Little Giant 4-MDQX-SC don't think I'll switch back this thing rocks for thick foam. i was looking for a new one for about 5-6 months found it on ebay. i have found that there is an older 800 xr and a newer 800 xr the only difference is the injector housing on top 1 is white like above the other like the 1 on their site which is black. sorry for the long post.


I did find this mod for the etss 800 when i was looking for a new skimmer.
My evolution 750



My new reef devil deluxe !

My new reef devil deluxe !

Hi ,,,,

I just start my new skimmer reef devil deluxe with pentair pump (980 gph and 13ft for head) for my 80g sps tank , i run it from two days and until this time its not breakin ! just white foam ! what did you advice me ?
Figured I would chime in, I have 2 ETSS skimmers, one is a early version of a reef devil (square box) and the other is a Sump Buddy 40.

Just had the sump buddy running for 12 hrs or so at this point, I really like that the tubing is clear so you can see what the different bio ball configurations are doing foam wise. The sliding gate is really a space saver also, (10 gal sump, on a 37 cube).

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14048758#post14048758 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by shleprock30
Figured I would chime in, I have 2 ETSS skimmers, one is a early version of a reef devil (square box)

I am also running the Reef Devil square box, how many bio balls do you run in each tower? I think I have either 8 or 10 in each trying to determine the best amount for foam production?
Re: My new reef devil deluxe !

Re: My new reef devil deluxe !

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14029310#post14029310 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Faisal1976us
Hi ,,,,

I just start my new skimmer reef devil deluxe with pentair pump (980 gph and 13ft for head) for my 80g sps tank , i run it from two days and until this time its not breakin ! just white foam ! what did you advice me ?
Try adding to the tank 1/4 to 1/2 tsp of stress coat for fresh water from aquarium pharmaceuticals (API). The aloe vera in it will coat the skimmer surfaces and quick start the process.
Mine only has 1 tower, I was running 8 of the Mini balls, tried the large ones and they did not work as well for me.

The Sump buddy has kicked in for me after about 24 hrs. Using 8 of the mini balls in this one also (tried 4 larger ones first) and man is it foaming, big difference is on the SB 40 I am not having to restrict the input air to get a decent foam. This one is doing it all by itself, with no ball valve on the air elbow.
