ETSS Skimmer Club!

MarineGirl411 - I know they were not the best quality skimmers but, one was a Coralife 225 and the other was a Turboflotor. A few years ago when I worked at my LFS part time, we used about 15 different skimmers on our tanks so the customers could see each one in action. The best performers were always downdraft skimmers. That's just my personal experience.
Wow. That is kind of a bummer. lol it was between that skimmer and an H&S skimmer. I chose the H&S skimmer. Maybe someday I will have to change again. I don't know. How much extra cost does that add onto the tank? Did you guys ever try a recirculating H&S?
No we never tried recirculating skimmers. I don't know why. What do you mean "how much extra cost"? You mean by the large pump needed to drive them? I use a Mag 18 to drive mine but I don't know what the electric bill is, my wife does all the bills. She just tells me how much I have to give her.
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I must admit, after all the years and several types of skimmers.....the DD type - in this case my model 800 is sooooo much easier its a no brainier.....and the skimate! wow! I run a panworld 100p on mine and haven't touched it in a year. Just empty the nastiness once a week. Nice work ETSS.
Just thought I would jump in and join this club have a etss reef devil. and a etss 500 evo. run by iwaki 30. with extra collection cup. both are Set and forget. clean out once week or 2. I have thought about trying other skimmers, ie needle wheel etc. but why these thing's do there job well. I dont run them both at the same time, I switch them back and forth as they need cleaning. makes it easier , I can soak them, take my time etc. Maybe someone will have a extra needle wheel I can try someday to compare. hint hint.
This seems like the place to ask this question to get a good answer from people who use the ETSS skimmers....I am in the process setting up my new 200L and have finally hit a snag that I cant seem to make up my mind on....I am a loyal ETSS guy (My 600 is 12 years old and still runs like new), I am running a ETSS 600 on my 125 SPS and I know that this will not be quite good enough for a 200L with a high Bio Load on it....I am caught between getting a ETSS 1800 or a ETSS 1400....I have looked at the ETSS 800 but think it will be a bit on the small side for my overall goal of a lot more fish in the system.... The 1800 fits in my stand, but will process the entire system volume 9 times per hour at its peak point....The 1400 will not fit in the stand but will process the entire system 5 times and hour which is the rule I have always been told is the goal, and have had great success with.....I don't really want to place the skimmer outside the stand, but it might just have to be that way....Unless I can get some solid answers to this age old question....Please chime in with your opinions on this.....:D
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For users of the Protean 400, the skimmer compartment is relatively small for a Mag 7, I got quite a bit of vibration noise that was not really audible in the room with the tank, but was annoying in the room downstairs. The Mag 9.5 is actually not as wide as the 7, and has gotten rid of the vibration noise without introducing any additional noise into the room with the tank. Basically it is a quieter pump in this setup, and has the added benefit of better skimmer performance from my short test...
here is a pic of my 600 pro and i have used them for about 10 years on all my tanks with a evolution 500 running my frag tanks.really a well made skimmer that works great with very little maintenence.i probably have not cleaned my 600 in over a is like self cleaning,when it gets real caked with skimmate it becomes heavy and falls off and the bubbles take the chunks over the top to the collection cup.i highly recommend them.

Great I am glad to see this thread. I recently got an old ETSS Reef devil that had dual towers. I really like its skimming power, currently offline since I moved I am adding some modifications and upgrads to my tank. But I agree ETSS awesome!!!
Here are the people that can help me. I love my ETSS the skimming power is GREAT!!! My issue is that the skimmer is a bit noisy, is there a way to silence the air input valves without limiting their preformance in the skimmer? I currently have the skimmer ona shelf attached to the back of my stand and hidden from plain view but still accessible. For maintenance. ANy help would be great thanks.
To silence the air intake, attach 6 ft or more of tubing. You can pick up a 10 ft roll of tubing for a few dollars, just leave it rolled up to take less space and attach it to the air intake.
The only thing i have done to quiet the air intake was to run a line to outside for fresh air to be used for the skimmer.i did this to help with a low ph issue and this inadvertently made it alot quieter.I since removed this because it seemed to reduce the skimmate and not help with the ph issue enough to make me want to leave it this way.I would rather have the noise and a gallon of skimmate a week. LOL then it quiet and a quart a week.
To silence the air intake, attach 6 ft or more of tubing. You can pick up a 10 ft roll of tubing for a few dollars, just leave it rolled up to take less space and attach it to the air intake.

This will not effect the preformance of the unit since it will take a longer for the air to travel into the unit? Or would I just compensate with the gate valve? Finally wil la shorter tube work? I have a few strands laying around that could be like 3 or 4 ft?

The only thing i have done to quiet the air intake was to run a line to outside for fresh air to be used for the skimmer.i did this to help with a low ph issue and this inadvertently made it alot quieter.I since removed this because it seemed to reduce the skimmate and not help with the ph issue enough to make me want to leave it this way.I would rather have the noise and a gallon of skimmate a week. LOL then it quiet and a quart a week.

This really isn't an option for me at this time....but thanks.
From what I have read in the manual for the ETSS skimmers 3 or more feet of tube on the air intake will completely silence it. I have not had a chance to try it yet.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13956334#post13956334 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by vlepouce
From what I have read in the manual for the ETSS skimmers 3 or more feet of tube on the air intake will completely silence it. I have not had a chance to try it yet.

Great, that will save some tube for other uses. I added some tubing on there last night and wow what a difference in sound. Much quieter and there was really no loss in foam production. I added a 2ft section on one air intake and about 8' on the other. The 2ft section is still a little noisy. I think I will cut the 8 foot in half and go with that. Thanks everyone.
Evolution 750

Evolution 750

I have an ETSS evolution 750. I'll get some pics of it running here soon.
I am using the Protean 400 which is the Sump Buddy 40 in a sump... It is an excellent skimmer when paired with a Mag 700 or 950, but only mediocre with the cheaper pump they recommend.
Thanks for the quick reply Iostream. My plans were to run it on the Mag 9.5 Figured might as well get the most performance from it. How many balls and what size are you using with which pump?