Euro Reef CS-6 cup removal - PITA


Premium Member

Has anyone complained about the new twist off cup on the ER'?

I clean my cup once every 4 days and each and every time I have to fight with it to get it off.

I dont dare actually twist it to lock it in...only did that once and took me forever to get it off.

Each time I clean it I re-lub the o-ring and just set the cup into the collar. 4 days later I have exert lots of force to remove it. I'm betting that one of these days the air welds on the cup are going to let go.

Tonite I removed the oring, going to see if the coupler gets too messed up without the o-ring. Certainly makes it easier to perform maintenance.

I'm gonna email them (I see they actually have a contact point on the web site) and see what they say.
Hi Bill,

Keeping it lubed up should prevent it from being extremely tight, however it does need to fit pretty darn snug to keep it sealed.

What are you using on the o-ring right now?

I used up all the silicone that shipped with it so I'm just using vasilene right now. I see no difference between the silicone or vasilene as far as enabling it to come apart easier.

At first I thought it was just because of the awkward position of trying to remove the cup while the skimmer is under the stand, but this seems unreasonably tight in my opinion.
