Ever heard of this type?

Someone is pulling your dactyls. Erugosquilla grahami does not exceed 20 cm and the largest record I can find is an 18 cm female. It occurs off the eastern coast of Australia as far north as Taiwan. It is a common, typical mud-living, nocturnal spearing squillid that used to be known as Oratosquilla woodmasoni.

:( only 20??

:D ah well... i can still dream of the monster mantis;) :rolleyes:

can't trust everything on the web i suppose... there was this site that said peacock mantis grew to 53 cm - and THAT is something i'm not likely to believe!:D
I'm afraid 40 cm is the biggest you are going to find. Lysiosquillina maculata, Harpiosquilla, and Bathysquilla all push this limit, but I have never seen a stomatopod over 40 cm.

I suspect that it is physically impossible for an Odontodactylus scyllarus to reach 53 cm. At that size, the raptorial appendages would probably self-destruct if it struck. I'm afraid O. scyllarus just don't get much over 18 cm.
