Everyone from Springfield OK

Looked over at aquapets as i went by on rt 4 today. There's a large (ok, ginormous) snapped power pole suspended about 1 block down from the shop. That can't be good.
Tornado missed me by a mile (well, 90 miles. I was flying into St. Louis as the tornadoes touched down here. Heh, first time i leave my wife home alone in 3 years and there's a tornado...go figure).
Burnt out one of the motors on my euroreef due to the power surges. Oh well. Not like there's much living in there anyway.

Oh, just got internet back about 4 hours ago. Snapped the towers that provide for me. Man, first wave missed us, but the second one was really scary, as the power was already out and it came through at about 4 in the morning. Woke up and looked out the window to see golfball-sized hail flying horizontally past the window. Lost 3 shingles and i have no idea where my christmas tree ended up. Man, i was looking forward to lighting that thing soon, too.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6961420#post6961420 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by fkdenton
Does any one know how Fishman and Aquapets went through it.

fishman is ok its aquapals that is over by walmart that I would be concerned about.

Aquapals answering machine says they are closed right now...yesterday there was no answer. I am going by there Saturday to check on him. I was out of power for 52 hours so I'll bet he went longer.

I had a portable battery pack and inverter that I used to sustain my 90 g SW tank...roated running one filer, air bubbler, etc. Floated bags of hot water to keep temp. within 2-4 degrees of normal. Lost 2 of 3 BC that were just introduced 5 days ago but one is hanging in there. No other inhabitants lost (including RC shrimp) and the power has been on now for two days.

I think my diamond goby helped a bit, by continuing to churn up sand and oxydizing the water.
I think a UPS (uninterruptable power supply) would work for you guys. I think if you just use it to sustain the main pump it should last a few hours. Most likely just 2-3 hours if lighting gets turned on.
Just drove by aquapals on my way home. The big neon sign on the back of the building is on, that's got to be good, right?
Hey Sam..sorry to hear bout your house man, i stopped by there the other day but yall werent home. You guys already had the roof tarped..did it peel it open or just rip the shingles off? If you need any help with the repairs let me know, im sure i can find some free time. We had no power for nearly 4 days, my tank was in bad shape, fish were laying on their sides at the bottom, but amazingly they all recovered. So did all the coral. Do you need anything for your tanks? Later...



<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6960572#post6960572 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by daFrimpster
My home is located about 150 feet from the headless lauterbach guy in the photo's on the link above. My 10g nanoreef was without power from Sunday at 8pm until yesterday at 2pm. I got a generator going to power the blower on my furnace and power the tank. The water temp got down to about 55 deg. but I think everything will recover. The 'shrooms and zoo's are opening up pretty well. I am concerned about my leathers. they looking pretty droopy. My candy cane is the toughest lps in north America. It looks a little PO'ed but it is fine.
My home and garage sustained about 15 thousand dollars damage to roof and insulation, whiteboard. My trees are trashed. It's odd though. This is the worst and scariest thing that has happened to my family yet I don;t think I have felt luckier in my life. Many people's homes and businesses were completely leveled. Life goes on, it has to.
Thanks for asking Wayne. My salt tank is recovering fairly well. I for sure am losing the big leather that my GSM clown hosted in. All of the stuff you gave me had just gotten settled in nicely before the storm. Now the shrooms are floating around and everything else just looks a little beat up. My fire n ice zoa and my eagle eyes aren't opened back up yet but the rest are. I lost about half of my fw fish too. My insurance company doesn't cover animals, period. It just started to peel back the sheathing on my roof. 30 seconds more and my house would've disintegrated. We were damn fortunate.
I talked to Jeff (AquaPals) on Wednesday. He had power. He was still evaluating the damage. His building wasn't hurt but he lost quite a bit of livestock due to power outage.