Everything for sale! Moving to Florida



Alright folks, I've been getting a bunch of PMs for my acros so I've decided to separate them into four different packs! And I will not part them:

PACK # 1:
Purple dragon eyes
True Purple Monster
Neon suharsonoi
WWC Yellow Tips
Mr. Pacman Acro
RR unknown Acropora1
RR unknown Acropora2

PACK #2:
RMF The Last Dragon
RMF Karl's candlelight
RMF Aqua Glacier Bottlebrush
RMF Mother of Pearl
RMF Kryptonite Simplex
RMF Hellboy Acro
Plus freebies! (Shipment arrives this Saturday!)

PACK #3:
Tyree ice fire Echinata
RR yellow mamba
Wolverine Acro
BC Moth Acro

PM or text me: 562.607.0764

If I can't sell all packs by the end of Feb., then I'm keeping everything! If
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Individual prices:

Individual prices:

True Purple Monster (NFS)
Neon Suharsonoi (NFS)
RMF Kryptonite Simplex (NFS)
RMF Hellboy Acro (NFS)
Purple Turaki- SOLD
Blue Tip Navini- SOLD
Purple dragon eyes- 80
Tyree ice fire Echinata- 60
RR yellow mamba- 100
RR unknown Acropora1- 60
RR unknown Acropora2- 60
RMF The Last Dragon- 120
RMF Aqua Glacier Bottlebrush- 70
RMF Mother of Pearl- 70
RMF Karl's candlelight- 70
Wolverine Acro- 50
BC Banana Lokani- 60
BC Moth Acro- 60
Mr. Pacman Acro- 60
WWC Yellow Tips- 60
$180 for the front 9


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From left to right: Reef raft unknown Acro, purple dragon eyes, reef raft yellow mamba, tyree ice fire Echinata, mr Pacman, WWC yellow tips, BC banana Lokani, wolverine Acro, reef raft unknown Acro, and BC moth Acro