Everything for sale! Moving to Florida

do you have a picture of the RMF Hellboy Acro? In post #108 you have it as $100 then post #115 is is $120. Which price is correct? Thanks
This is Jared's Kryptonite Simplex.. This is the first time he's releasing it!


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CORALS: (If not listed, then it's sold!)

Purple Monster- SOLD
Neon Suharsonoi miltibranched 2"- SOLD
Purple dragon eyes 2"- SOLD
Mr. Pacman 1"- 60

RMF The Last Dragon- SOLD
RMF Aqua Glacier Bottlebrush- 70
RMF Mother of Pearl- 70
RMF Karl's candlelight- 70
RMF Kryptonite Simplex- SOLD
RMF Hellboy Acro- SOLD

Others acros- $10-$30

EQUIPMENTS: (If not listed, then it's sold!)
Tank, Stand, Sump, Lights- $1,400.00
SROXP-2000 Skimmer- $250
BRS Dual Reactor with Mag 3 supreme pump- $100
Reefkeeper Lite Plus Controller- $200
Piranha Float Magnet cleaner- $20
3 slot probe holders- $10
x3 Eheim heaters- $10 each SOLD
40 gallon acrylic cube- $20 SOLD
x2 5-gallon buckets- $5 for both
Mag 9.5 Supreme pump- $50
Mag 12 pump- $60
4x Battlecorals, 1x from age of aquarium, and 1x from Reefraft. I really like the age and reefraft acros! Battlecorals are $10 each, age is $20, and $30 for the reef raft.
All corals sold except for mother of pearl, aqua glacier bottlebrush, and Karl's candlelight. Pick-up in Ventura and contact ianmcalpin if you want to buy these acros.. $70 each or $150 for all three!