F/S 228 Gallon Aquarium with stand in New braunfels, TX


New member
228 gallon tank with beautiful solid wood stand for sale and top with lights. The lights are a 48" double florescent and a Compact PC with 4 22" lights. Has a cooling fan built into the side of the hood. I have 220lbs of live rock and 75 lbs or so sand. The sump is about 45 gallons with a 10 gallon refume in it with large protein skimmer..It has 4 fish in it right now. Yellow Tang, Percula clown, Tomato clown and a Yellow Damsel.. , UV sterilizer, and ReefFlow Barracuda pump.. Awesome tank setup. Asking $1500.. Buying a new house and wife say it has to go..Dimensions of the tank is L 6'x W 2' 6.5"x H 2' with euro bracing around the top.

email me at chriswtx@satx.rr.com

