
Well, these would be nice, but you've got some sensor dust;)

I'm kidding of course. Some very nice pictures here. I especially like the pumpkins and the road & train tracks.
Very nice pictures.i

I know this is not a photography website/critique forum but, it is time to clean your mirror and sensor. I'm seeing 5 or 6 dust artifacts in your pictures which would easily go away with a good cleaning.
Also, ease off the sharpening tool. You are getting sharpening halos (first picture, left most tree around the leaves).

Just trying to be helpful

Edit: Dang it, Mike beat me to mentioning the dust. I actually started typing this about an hour ago but never hit the submit button
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Well, these would be nice, but you've got some sensor dust;)

it is time to clean your mirror and sensor. I'm seeing 5 or 6 dust artifacts in your pictures which would easily go away with a good cleaning.

My sensor always needs cleaned. After a couple days out in the boonies, it tends to happen. I tried to get most I see in post, but I guess I nissed some. I am getting old.

Also, ease off the sharpening tool. You are getting sharpening halos (first picture, left most tree around the leaves).

Honestly, it was more from a cheep lens. It was the widest thing in my vest since we were hiking.

There wasn't any fall colors here this year. It froze and then it snowed. So everything just turned brown, wilted up, and fell off. :)
You couldn't give the bird some privacy to do its business, had to take a pic huh? :rollface:

Great pictures, I have to get into photography specially since I have a baby.
beautiful as always, jesse!

hey, did you happen to see my van down by the river?