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what kind of cfm rating would make a big difference in my 4 foot hood w/ 2 250w halides. i would like to be able to lower the temp about 2 degrees.
I also use 2 4" stealth and I have them mounted to blow under the Mh's and my temp drops about 2 degrees during the day.
I just bought the Icecap 4" fans with the temp probe. My question is .... is it better to have 1 fan blow in and 1 blow the hot air out or... have two blow in. The canopy is closed all around exept I have two 3" holes in the back for wires, and the two holes on the sides for the fans. What works best? Help me out guys please. :)
I would imagine one in and one out that way your not just pumping air in and then that air has no where to go.
What if I drilled two more 3" hole in the back. I'm just afraid that one side will be cool and the other will still be hot.
I'm just afraid that one side will be cool and the other will still be hot.

I don't think that would be an issue.

If you are willing to drill more exhaust holes: Then, I would say 2 blowing in would be better.
One in and one out is not the way to go. You only have the CFM volume of one fan that way. You can stack 100 fans in line but they will still only equal one fan. You put 100 fans side by side you have 100 fans worth of volume.
Have both blowing in and open up holes either on top on as high up as possible on the back to take advantage of convection. I used the same 4" holesaw and cut holes directly over my reflectors so light does not escape but hot air does.
Cool... thats what I will do. I'm just afraid to drill large holes on the top of the canopy and have some light showing. I am just going to drill two holes at the top in the back. I just hope the Icecap fans are some what quieter the the Orian fans I am using now.