FarmerTy 215-gal No Water Change SPS Tank

I know you run GFO even though on one of your icp test came back 0.00. You never worry about phosphate being to low?
For biological processes, very little phosphate is needed. This is evidenced by super low phosphate concentrations over a majority of reefs. I've always run super low phosphates and had zero issues. The kicker for me is I feed a ton of food daily, 5x a day. So there are always minute injections throughout the day but any excess phosphate gets pulled via GFO.

Nitrates though I like to have a bit higher for better coloration. I keep mine around 5-10ppm. Zero isn't ideal with that nutrient.
Do you rinse your frozen before feeding it?
It's pointless. Randy Farley Holmes, our in-house PHD chemist summed it up nicely in his phosphate article. It comes out to barely any addition of phosphate to your system when you feed and don't rinse.
It's pointless. Randy Farley Holmes, our in-house PHD chemist summed it up nicely in his phosphate article. It comes out to barely any addition of phosphate to your system when you feed and don't rinse.
Plus one.
It's also food for filter feeling stuff.

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Okay, I was wondering if you took extra measures to keep phosphate down. My glass needs cleaning daily but when I just checked po4 I got a .006 on the hanna. I am wanting to run some gfo but worried about phosphates being low.
Okay, I was wondering if you took extra measures to keep phosphate down. My glass needs cleaning daily but when I just checked po4 I got a .006 on the hanna. I am wanting to run some gfo but worried about phosphates being low.
Its hard because so many things can influence the results you see on the Hanna meter. If you have lots of macroalgae, cyano, or dinos, it can give you a false low because they are uptaking it out of the water column before you can even take a reading of it. I've always ran gfo with my systems and changed it out monthly and as long as you continue to feed your fish in your tank, you shouldn't have any problems with too low of phosphate.
More fish pics. These guys are hard to catch!
That's a nice Angel you have there!
Thanks! I'm a sucker for angels!

I'll have 6 by the time my stocking plans are finished.

-flame angel (currently in frag tank until all angels added since he's a jerk)
-Red Sea Regal angel (in frag tank... Same as flame angel... Jerk)
-baby emperor angel (in display)
-majestic angel (in QT)
-scribbled angel (coming in this week)
-Japanese masked swallowtail (last addition next month)
Got a nice used sump from a local. I'm a realist with my free time and know it'll be a few months before I get it swapped out.

I put it on its side and currently using it as a tank towel holder. I took a look at it the other day and saw it looking back at me. [emoji4]
Thats a happy sump! I'd be a happy reefer to get my hands on that.
Its my first ever sexy sump in 13 years of reefkeeping. I've gone from no sump (AIO SETUP), tote sump, acrylic DIY eyesore, and a converted 75 gallon with added baffles. I think its been a long time coming and I'm super excited about getting it into place after the holidays. Maybe it'll help me keep motivated to manage my wiring and keep the sump clean to let it shine.
got a nice used sump from a local. I'm a realist with my free time and know it'll be a few months before i get it swapped out.

I put it on its side and currently using it as a tank towel holder. I took a look at it the other day and saw it looking back at me. [emoji4]
