FarmerTy 215-gal No Water Change SPS Tank

Not really a photo dump, more like a light photo sprinkling.
Here's a better profile view of the waves. These are mainly being produced by the Jaebo WP40s. I also have MP60s in there but they aren't programmed to do the wave profile. I'd be afraid half my water would end up on the floor if I synced all 4 pumps.
I guess if its a good deal on that sump can't turn away. I had to tear down my system to re plumb and etc...But its a very nice upgrade Ty! I'm old school with 40B DIY
I guess if its a good deal on that sump can't turn away. I had to tear down my system to re plumb and etc...But its a very nice upgrade Ty! I'm old school with 40B DIY
Thanks Tony! Its my first ever sexy sump in 14 years of reefing so I think I might finally deserve it. [emoji3]
Well, I got a pair of flame wrasses from a LFS, fortunately prior to the Hawaiian fish industry changes. Well, the female decided its time to start changing to a male.

Not fully decided if this is a good thing or a bad thing yet. Good thing is I may have two awesome looking males swimming the tank. Bad thing is they decide the tank isn't big enough for the both of them and start trying to kill each other.

There is the off chance the female stays at the initial phase of being male and not change fully until the terminal male dies.

Here's a video of him/her.

She's on the right of the picture. Also a repeat picture of the male flashing to show the differences of a terminal (supermale) male and initial male.
Butterfly giving you problems?
Oh, I guess I didn't update on this thread. Butterfly is doing wonderful, in the QT tank. Haha. I put him in the frag tank for a bit to see how he reacts with the corals and he went on a nipping spree. Not sure this particular one is going to be added to the tank so I might sell him off. Casual nipping is fine like my angels but he was aggressively going after things and relentless.
I just read through this entire thread, incredible tank

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Thanks for the read Brian and the compliment! The new version of the tank after I moved is still coming along but I'm really starting to like how its coming together. It only took me 9 months to glue some colpnies to the rocks yesterday. Its a wonder sometimes how little free time you get with a baby under 1 year old. And when you finally get it... All you want to do is lay there. [emoji1]
Caught them in the act... A secret military conch coup! They are trying to overthrow the funny looking guy with glasses!
Been awhile since I posted a Full tank shot. Its getting there slowly. I've culled some colonies the last couple months, lost some too during November when my tank was in a funk, and now have open space to start gluing my new stuff to the rocks. For now, the frags that graduated from the frag tank are sitting on the frag rack to be glued somewhere. I took my first stab at gluing some colonies/frags but its always a process. The right rock is close to where I want it except I may swap some corals out and I still need to fill in the bottom right with more frags/colonies.

The left rock structure is a hot mess but I'll keep working on it.

I also cleaned up the sandbed and reclaimed my beach. Its nice to have that negative space back... It makes the tank look like a tank again.

I also got the pvc foamboard in and cut it and applied it as a backdrop. I'm decently happy with the results but may look at another alternative as the seam in the middle does bug me at times. I still need something that is removable when needed so painting is not an option. At least its nice to look at the tank now and not see plumbing and storage boxes behind the tank. [emoji1]

The tank cabinets and front are finished from a construction standpoint. I still need to complete it by sanding and painting it as well as sealing it with silicone against the glass so guests don't drop crud into my sump below. We'll get some nice bar stools down the line but for now, these two chairs I stole from the breakfast table will do.

All in all, I'm very happy with the progress the tank is making and even more happy that my corals are back to being happy and growing/thriving/coloring back up again. Its also bittersweet as I know once the corals are all glued up, I will have nothing to do with the display anymore and the only option is just to sit back and watch it grow. At least there's still the equipment/sump/frag tank to play with. [emoji106]

Happy reefing everyone and thanks for following along.
How do you like that Nadurra? Which one is that?

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How do you like that Nadurra? Which one is that?

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Very nice! I'm no connoisseur but its very smooth with a hint of sweetness to it... Which is terribly deceptive as it can rock your world. I got it from a client as a thank you gift.
