Favorite fish being tormented by...


New member
my FLAGFIN ANGEL!!! Whoever says these fish are delicate and hard to keep needs to come see mine mine. He's a complete butthole! He attacks EVERYONE! And I'm talking about a CLOWN trigger, Picasso trigger, SOHAL TANG! He goes after everyone.

All of those fish hold their own though so I'm not too concerned. What does concern me is he's tormenting my S&S Puffer which is my pride and joy (see pic to left). My puffer is too gentle to fight back and is contantly having his tail nipped and being chased by this angel. And it's gotten to the point now that every time my puffer even sees the angel he cowers into a corner and goes into hiding.

Do I have any other choice than to remove this angel? I was thinking of returning him and getting a Emperator instead. Would that fish work better? It's a shame because the Flagfin is a beautiful fish, but not worth jeoprodizing my puffer.
Try re-arranging your rockscape, it may or may not help. How long has he been harrassing everybody? If he's a new fish and only a day or two, I'd give it a little more time. If this has been going on for weeks I'd try to return him.
I've had the prob trying to put 3 damsels in the same tank -- it finallly worked when I moved tanks and completely changed the rockwork creating differnet areas for them to guard --so try making caves big enough where they cant see eachother
I doubt changing the rock work would help. I just had to get rid of a Sohal tang that was doing the same thing to my puffer. Don't get an Emperor. They are meaner. I also just got rid of my emperor I had for 4 years. It gave my male crosshatch popeye.