Feedback on the Amphipod article


New member
Thank you very much for writing this aritcle and providing the diagrams and photographs. There really is a lot of great information to take in!

As a relatively newcomer to aquaria husbandry (my dad moved and gave me his aquarium and the friends contained within), I am lost in all kinds of terminology and jargon. Anyone willing to keep an active dialog going that helps the audience of newcomers find there way is alright by me.:) For the longest time I've observed these nocturnal (mostly) "bugs" moving about on the live rocks and wondered what exactly they were. Now I realize that they are not "Copepods" but rather Amphipods.

I look forward to reading your articles on a regular basis so as to be fully informed. I find this whole new world I am being exposed to absolutely fascinating. The fact that I have to relearn chemistry, fluid dynamics, biology, and a way to fake pronouncing latin words sound reasonably accurate, are all a small price.

Thanks again :fish1:
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Glad you liked the article. You might want to check on the back issues of <b><a href="" target="_blank">Reefkeeping Magazine</a></b> for more columns of a similar nature, but with other organisms.
