Figi yellow leather


New member
I purchased a yellow leather about six months ago. It looked great for some time. It has gone through several sessions of shedding skin. About a month ago, I thought that it was getting ready to do this again. The polyps did not come out as much and the color darkened. But it did not shed. Is it stuck in mid shed? I think that I have heard about something else getting stuck in mid shed and that they added iodine and it was able to complete the shed and go on with life. I have it in moderate flow, under VHO's and two 250w MH. It is positioned in the top 1/3 of the tank. Any thoughts on how to get it back to the pretty yellow?
As long as the corals is still rubbery to the touch and doesn't try to flake or disentigate to the touch then likely it is fine and nothing to worry about. Having only had it 6 months the darkening can be just adapting to your lights. Shedding is normal and the method to clean itself off, I don't think it has anything to do with iodine levels. Just wait and see.....
can you post a picture of the coral and the surroundings?

how many times has it shed since you've had it?

imo, shedding isn't a "normal" event, if everything was fine. it's more of a reaction either to physical irritants (shedding removes the top layer) or a chemical issue in the water (i usually see higher occurences of shedding with poorer water conditions).
how are you water parameters? maybe its being irratated by a fish or other inhabitant and it has delayed the shedding...