Filter feeders vs skimmer


New member
Does a protein skimmer remove the food which would be processed by filter feeders? If I add sponges, feather dusters, etc into my reef tank can I remove my proteins skimmer? I can theorize just as well as anybody else. So, tell me your actual experiences not just what you think will happen. Thank you everybody.
So far a week has gone by since I introduced a red branching sponge and turned off my skimmer. I do not see any negative effects and the parameters are stable. Let's see how long the sponge survives!
Maybe I am onto something. The sponge is doing great and the parameters have not changed one bit. The skimmer has not been turned back on since I introduced the sponge. Much too early to make a permanent decision, but so far so good.
Till you get a year in I don't think anything can be determined. Are u still doing watrchanges? Waterchanges do more then a protein skimmer if they are large enough and often enough. Good luck with your test. I don't think you are the first to try this.
Thanks Roger. I have kept everything exactly the same with the exception of turning off the skimmer and adding a red branching sponge. I make my own fish food which is a mixture of blended fish, shrimp, oyster (with juice), clam juice, shredded nori, and a dash of paprika. I think the sponge is living off the juicy mess the fish make eating this stuff.