Finally a shoal of Anthias

Rogger Castells

New member
I am so happy! I finally got the fishes I have been wanting to put in my SPS tank for a while. I got 6 soon to be 10 Barlets Anthias, together with a few exotic Wrasses, I have been collecting the wrasses for a while now but was afraid to place them in the 210 because I had the 6 line wrasse from hell! he has killed a few bigger weasses already, I finally catched him today and I have been transfering the fishes from the temporary 75gal to the 210.
I will post pics as soon as can take them
I hope you have better luck than we've had with our anthias. We started with 9 Lyretails earlier this year. 6 made it through quarantine and went in the display. Since then, we lost two more(our only losses ever in the display), and we're down to just 4 females today. Out of the 5 we lost, 4 of them just sort of "wasted away". About once a month, a perfectly healthy anthia would slowly turn lethargic and eventually stop eating. Within a week, they would be gone. Not sure if it was caused by stress, group dynamics / infighting, or what.
hey jeff, ive lost 2 anthias, same symptons too!

i quarentined both as well, they only lasted about a month each, my last one i didnt quarentine, but hes doing well by himself, im not sure if my losses are because they were kept singly and not in small groups.

anyhow, cant wait to see the new fish scheme, sounds REAL nice!
Wow, I like the challenge for sure, I have been working all night making sure the tank is 100% sealed on top, I thought that was going to be all I was going to worry about, I think it is time for some thought on some enriched food.
So far I have the shoal of anthias, a velvet, mystery, lubock and some kind of lilac tail wrasses.
wanted to note, they were lyretail anthias that i lost though, hopefully you have better luck with the barletts
I have 5 dispar anthias (plus 2 new in QT for over a week). They all start in QT, especially the dispars. They were very slow to eat, but after almost a week they did (starting with frozen cyclo-peez, moving to brine, baby brine, mysis (all frozen) and finally flake. I think some Anthias are very difficult /slow to aclimate and you just have to be patient wuth QT. (I started with 6 dispar and once in the display I lost 1). The other 5 are doing fine so far and are great eaters in the display. So what I am saying is for me Anthias need to really be given ample QT time to learn to eat a captive diet before going to the display where they will encounter feeding competition. I just ordeded 3 dispars for my bro and they will go into my QT until they are eating very well (he has no QT then I will bring them to him for his 75). They seem to do well with starting them on the frozen cyclo-peeze 1st and then once they take it mix in other things. Thats my experience with Anthiaseseseses. They also jump hard now and then so considder that too maybe.
I also experienced the difficulty to get them to eat, they took almost 10 days for them to start eating, I did not use a QT and the bigger fishes did seem to intimidate them.
I lost two of them to jumping the rest are weak but getting there.
I can attest to how nice the tank is. I was over at roggers last night stealing his show tang and it was very impressive.
Can you guys tell from this image if this is the Hawiian Bicolor Anthias

Any more pics of that fish Deane? Very well could be a disbar. Lip makes it look like one. The color and fins seem more like a bicolor to me though.
Rogger, check out the two front dorsal spines on the anthias in the picture. I don't think disbars have front spines like that. See what I mean?