eric - therre are still some logistical challenges with having a tank this large without a canopy but I am looking into my options. As mentioned before I was planing on putting an extration fan above the tank and I think the canopy would look nice in the room. Plus I had a great idea for access to the canopy that would not interupt the clean look of it what so ever. I might hold off on telling you all but I usually don't like it when people hold out for to long.
100gpd is a lot of water. I have a 80gpd unit now but I really wish I could make more water faster. Apart from top off it also takes a decent amount of time to make enough water for a water change in an emergency. That is why I decided to go for the bigger, well that and I am impatient at times, probably not the best personality trait for someone who is into reef tanks.
A boaster pump is worth it because without it you will probably not get close to your 100gpd. Even in winter park I was barely getting enough pressure to make my previous RO/DI unit work properly.
bart - I think so. I ordered the same one you did, thanks to your guidance, so I am assuming it will be the Goodman as well. You didn't request a Goodman did you? I am looking forward to the reliability of this chiller. I am buying a second 1hp chiller that will be inline, inside the sump room, after the 1.5hp tradewinds. The second chiller will be set 3 degress higher then the tradewinds so if the first chiller fails the second one will kick in automatically. I agree, if you have the best you usually don't have to worry.
I would love any help I could get, especially from someone who is a detail orientated as you. The quality of your setup really is an inspiration for what I am striving for. Of course if all goes well, which it almost never does, you will get to see my tank completely set up already but my fish will still have to be in QT.
About QT, I am friends with a guy who runs a specialzied LFS down here and he has about 60x40 breeders in his store that are usually half empty (this is because he usually only deals with hotels, restaurants, and large private tank owners.) As I will be getting my fish through him anyways I might be able to hold them at his store for 6 to 8 weeks for QT without having to go through the hassle of setting up such a operation at home. Plus I could do this before my tank is completely set up so that I am ready to add fish once it is done cycling. Not all of the fish of course.
and finally, I made the biggest purchase to date. I placed an order for a total of 65 items from This order includes my controller, probes, back up 1hp chiller, 1 hammerhead, 3 barracudas, 1 dart, 2 tunze 6201, 2 vortechs, 180w Pentair UV sterilizer, 2 Wavyseas, etc....
well that was a lot of writting... time to have a beer, chill, and nurse my poor debit card back to health :beer: