yobojdizz - Thanks for the kind comments. Good fish choices... well help me strive for great. Maybe there is room for an idol in my tank.... j/k, I don't consider my self experienced enough for that fish yet, don't know if I ever will be. I do love the way they look though. Congrats on your success.
jonathan - I know there is a lot of criticism surround the solaris fixture and I don't really understand how they work. In my limited experience with the fixture I would say that they produce a very satisfactory amount of light and I must say that when I first put them on my 120 I wasn't solidly impressed by the look of the light in the tank... but that lasted about 10 minutes and I have to say that I really really like the way it looks now and I don't think I would go back to MH unless some shocking weakness of these fixtures comes out. Only time will tell.
red cardinals aye.. they look very interesting. I strive to keep very colorful and unique fish, not that I have total achieved that at all, but a small school of these guys (10 or so) would hardly impact my bioload and would certainly add to the diversity of my tank. Seems like I might have yet another school of fish to add to my tank. I'm really looking forward to have 2 small schools of anthias, I have always had a soft spot for those guys and have been successful at keeping them.
bart - Well I'll let you give me the results on your vlamingi in a few months when its time to stock my tank. Looking forward to see how he gets along but it sounds like he grows like crazy. I am already considering a bigger tank, I must be crazy.
Whoever gets out of the hobby first should agree to notify the other, so at least one of us gets out on top. Don't hold your breath though, don't see that happening EVER.
More Sketchup stuff is coming, you know you want it.
marinegirl411 - I am hoping to be back in two weeks exactly, if all goes well. And I really really hope it does. I would be more then happy to donate some surplus supplies to you once I am done setting up my tank, and god knows I have plenty of left over equipment from my old tank. A lot of it is promised to friends but PM me and I will let you know what I have when I get this wrapped up.
My previous tank was a Oceanic 120 tech and it is a GREAT tank. I hope you get years of enjoyment out of it. I put 2 tunze 6101's in there and the flow was amazing. Let me know if I can help with anything.