finally beginning my 480g 5'x5'x30" SPS Reef Tank

I think I originally got it off ebay. I think partsexpress sold it on ebay but it is no sold by them or on ebay.

I got the idea from sidewinder770, he's got some excellent pics of the device on his RC page, about page 7 or 8.

Well my dreams of having a large reef tank in the near future have been crushed. I was denied my second attempt to get a non-immigrant visa for the US so that the end of it for right now.

Thanks to everyone who has helped me along thus far with my tank and thank you for taking an interest in it. Unfortunately it won't be coming together anytime soon, hopefully at some point in the future I can complete this demon, for now everything is going into storage.

Thanks again...
Sorry about this Tom. I guess well just have to wait which makes it harder for people keeping up with this thread and even more harder for you. ANyways good luck brother.
Oh Tom, that stinks!!! We were all looking forward to seeing this thing come together. Is your 120 still up and running? Will your brother and sister be able to take care of it if it is?
OMG sorry to hear about that Tom :mad: . i will cancelled my kids vacation trip since you wont be making it back j/k :D . i was really looking forward to seeing this unique system come together. is it too much to ask if you can PM so i can get first shot on your equipment :D . don't give up now and keep them so called sketchup artwork :) and thread alive..
Sorry to hear that Tom. Unfortunately our new "rules" only seem to affect the law abiding. You could probably sneak in with less problem than doing it through proper channels.
reefer - thank you

pcostanzo - thanks and I'm looking into that right now. I have a friend that just started up his 55 so maybe he'll take care of my tank for the time being. I[m sure my bro and sis would try but they have no idea what they are doing.

bart - thanks, it will come together some day. haha..Sorry to ruin your vacation, you can just go to the real sea world instead. I'm going to try to make the best out of this, see what comes out of it. My equipment ain't going anywhere, unless you want to put a bid in on the solaris lights :D .

jonathan - thanks, funny how that works. Don't think I should get into that.

yobo - thanks, seeing what I can do. Unfortunately this was already plan b.
bart - yes I do. Send it on over. I can land it in your 150,000 gallon lagoon.

jonathan - Doesn't work that way unfortunately. I have had 2 immigration attorney and still no good. Untouchable.

carloskoi - Lot more complicated then you might think and takes from 6 months to 2 yrs AFTER marriage.
haha, already got a keeper and ive only been to canada once for skiing in banf in the spring and it was -20 outside. not quite the same as florida. Maybe I will move to the bahamas and setup a giant open water fish tank that pumps NSW straight from the ocean :D
ouch, that's not right! :lol: The local Marine Science Center down the block from my store uses that method for their tanks.
not right at all.

A few friends of mine either live in the bahamas or work out there during vacations and they have told me about giant display tanks in private homes that aren't all that expensive because there is no need for refugiums, skimmers, dosers, reactors, sumps, ect. Only I big pump and some overflows. Oh and lights, and wave makers.
<drool>... I wished I liked the heat. I guess adding on air conditioning isn't such a big deal. :) That would be too cool.