finally beginning my 480g 5'x5'x30" SPS Reef Tank

first things first... here are some pictures of my filtration tanks that I got today. They include a 120g water change tank, 180g sump, 210g refugium, and a 40g frag tank. Just one picture for now, still working on the stands.


adam82 - pictures are hard to find, sorry its taking me this long. I will take some picture tomorrow of my 120 with the 60' H4 Solaris and also post an older picture of the tank with my halides.

reefwaters - thanks for all the input. My tank is being built by Exotic Aquariums in Miami, unfortunately it will be a while before I get the display, I hate waiting.

You are probably right about the powder coating vs. the truck bed coating. I think I am going to request a sample of both from the stand builder so I can stress test it myself, guess that's the best way to go. As to your other question, he is spraying it.

Thank you for posting the pictures of your stand, it really looks good. Powder coating just looks so clean and nice. My original instinct was to go with powder coating but as mentioned I want to beat both up and see what they look like. Thanks for all the input and interest.

edwinn + jgs107 - yes, but worth it and thank you for your interest.

More pictures and updates to follow shortly, plumbing should begin soon. I think I have decided on a Hammerhead and a Barracuda to run the filtration system alongside 2 Darts for my 2 closed loops.
Here is a less then perfect rendition of the tank drilling diagram I am sending to the builder, finally they can begin construction. Its going to be a while because the panels need to be laminated and tempered.

I have a 4'x4'x2' semi cube tank. Here's some pics of my closed loop plumbing layout. The flow from this layout is very good throughout the entire tank. No dead spots.
My next cube will be 6'x6'x30". Its on the drawing board as we speak, but will have to wait until we move, or I sell my pool table ;)






Very nice setup, I think I have seen some pictures of your setup before, but by now I have looked at some much for so long on RC I can't really be sure anymore. If I have one panel free I definetly would have gone with the same design as you have.

I'm sure you are excited about a bigger tank, I'm convinced that I will always want a bigger tank no matter what I have. This hobby is worse then a drug addiction, next they are going to have an aquarist on that "Intervention" show on tv.

Did you come up with the flow concept yourself or did you talk it over with the OM customer service? Please let me know if you have any design ideas I have not thought about yet, your experience is priceless as our tanks are so alike. Thank you for your intrest and input.
oh... and sell the pool table, much easier to just move that then an entire house. Plus you will get your bigger tank sooner as well, doesn't get better then that.
Wow, thats top drawer. Your gonna need alot of SITC frags to get that monster filled up.

Maybe by that time I will have a couple pieces I can cut for ya. ;)
Cham - I'm hoping its going to be a hell of a setup, can't wait to get it up and running. And yes, its going to take a LOT of frags to fill it up. It is going to take way to long to get this thing together, but the wait will be worth it.

and frag 'donations' are always welcome ;-)
Man I dont know about selling the pool table. Unless that is your going to sell it to me cheap.

I dont know if your stands are done yet, but I would say go with powder coating. For the main reason is its easier to clean. If there is any salt buildup or water drips on it or anything you can just wipe it down. Also you cant hurt it. It will stay on there as long as your tank is up and running.
I designed the entire tank myself, from top to bottom, including the plumbing layout, closed loop placement, overflow design, ect..
It was a lot of fun.
I am running Darts for each of the two closed loops. Sump return pump is a GenX PCX 40. All of these pumps are very quiet, run cool, and are very efficient (electricity wise).
In all honesty, I think the 6x6 will have to wait until we decide to move. My dream is to put the tank in the middle of a climate controlled solarium, viewed from all four sides, surrounded by my other passion, large tropical trees and plants filled with chameleons :)
i think lusenut is right, if you go with the bed liner it's going to be hell to clean saltcreep. The sketchup designs look AWSOME. Have you done anything to the walls yet to where your going to fit the tank? I'm curious of how thats going to fit, with the lights. If you ever need any help send me a PM, if you have enough help, send me a pm anyway just so i can check it out, lol.
Wow, Tom!! Are you going to SRC with us? One of the speakers is doing a presentation on large tank building. I think you took one of the brochures but just wanted to throw that out there. You're doing an awesome job with all this! The design pics are just awesome!
Wow, just wow. I can't wait to see this thing up and running as I'm a fan of cubes myself. Unfortunately I am stuck with a 2ft by 2ft but I hope someday to have the willpower to go to something that big.

BTW...I live right next to Winter Park so if you need any help with anything, feel free to shoot me a PM.