first things first... here are some pictures of my filtration tanks that I got today. They include a 120g water change tank, 180g sump, 210g refugium, and a 40g frag tank. Just one picture for now, still working on the stands.
adam82 - pictures are hard to find, sorry its taking me this long. I will take some picture tomorrow of my 120 with the 60' H4 Solaris and also post an older picture of the tank with my halides.
reefwaters - thanks for all the input. My tank is being built by Exotic Aquariums in Miami, unfortunately it will be a while before I get the display, I hate waiting.
You are probably right about the powder coating vs. the truck bed coating. I think I am going to request a sample of both from the stand builder so I can stress test it myself, guess that's the best way to go. As to your other question, he is spraying it.
Thank you for posting the pictures of your stand, it really looks good. Powder coating just looks so clean and nice. My original instinct was to go with powder coating but as mentioned I want to beat both up and see what they look like. Thanks for all the input and interest.
edwinn + jgs107 - yes, but worth it and thank you for your interest.
More pictures and updates to follow shortly, plumbing should begin soon. I think I have decided on a Hammerhead and a Barracuda to run the filtration system alongside 2 Darts for my 2 closed loops.