I'll make sure to keep that in mind. I will have to experiment with the wave boxes to see what works best and if the diagonal wave will even work, would be a bummer if it didn't but then I would have an excuse to replace a panel and build an external overflow!
I know the they don't remove sediment and that they don't pull anything into the water column, I just want the sweep of water from side to side over everything. I just used "de-sedimentation" because its part of the advertising on the tunze site for the wave box. Kind of stupid for them to advertise exactly that and then for Roger to say it does nothing like that. I do understand the motion it gives and how it is completely different from other flow options, that part of the reason that I really want it.
On that note, what are you planning to use for extra water movement in your next tank, that is apart from your wave boxes? I'm sure you've thought about it.