finally beginning my 480g 5'x5'x30" SPS Reef Tank

jnarowe - once again thank you, that stingray reef is awesome, now I have a serious reef to aspire to. Neptune looks very attractive right now, might order it later today. Thanks for the input.

As far as that coral I promised you goes.. we can discuss it when I get back
no sweat. I would call Curt @ Neptune and discuss your system. They are getting ready to release some upgraded products and you might find out if that coincides with your time-frame.
very nice and great executions btw. rock work idea is awesome also will you be building all the stands for fuge, sump and frag or hired contractors? what about chiller since i didn't see any post on it? early x-mas in july:D
jnarowe - I will try to give curt a call today, hopefully the international call costs won't kill me. I would hate to buy something and then have some new and improved version come out at the same time. One of the good things about being stuck over here is that I have a much longer time frame to work with. Once again, thank you.

cbui2 - Great work and congrats on your first reef tank, very well done for your first time around. Must be great to finally get that far on your tank.

I've had this vision for the rockwork for a while now and I can't wait to get it going.

Being stuck outside of the US for so long now I have had to commision my stands, which will probably work out better in the long run as they will now be powdercoated steel. The stands should be done already, guess I should check on that :-).

I have been looking into the aqua logic chillers as I read on another thread that these are very dependable. I do have access to a area directly outside the fish room for an external chiller if that is a better option. My experience with chillers is limited so if you have any suggestions that would be great. Well early x-mas in august since I won't get back before then, but this is the best x-mas ever!
your right, the forum is great...

however, i was talking about this specific post! (sorry, i shouldve worded that better :D )

i think i speak for everybody when i say (we) cant wait to see your system up and running ( i can only imagine how you must feel ;) )
cwilson - thank you very much, and all this waiting is killing me slowly... its horrible.

Does anyone have any adivce about putting miracle mud into my refugium as substrate. Seems like a great way to add some more trace elements to my system. Once again any advice would be appreciated.
I know what you mean I just started my build, and got stuck. I got the room framing up and did drywall, started elec. and had to leave town for a month. The good thing is when I get back my tank should be ready. But I still have a lot to do. I did start a thread while I was away. If you want you can click my red house and see where I am at. I have been dieing to drop some frags in my 150 so I can have something to transfer but just been to busy.

Here is a post from someone who was one of the first to have that conrtroller. He has one here on reef central. I am sure someone will add the link. Fudge rocks...

I was planning on putting some Miracle Mud in my fuge. I even thought about some garf grundge. If you never heard of them, there site is They do things a little simpler but have excellent results. I am also an equipment junkie but would really love to make my own. But I think there is still something to the KISS method.

Your build is going to be sweet!!!!I look forward to it. Keep the pics coming..
eric - at least someone feels my pain. I am on month #2 already and I might not get back for yet another month. Certainly has given me some time to plan out things and refine my ideas but I have been doing that for months already, I'm tired of planning and I want to start actually putting things together.

Thank you for the link to the garf website, I remember looking at this a long time ago. Must have forgotten about it. Garf grundge sounds interesting but a local supplier near me is seting up a 500g display with a 250g miracle mud filtration system. I'll see what their results are before I invest in either.

Thank you very much for your input. It looks like your tank is coming along nicely, man you must be excited. It looks like it is going to be great. I also like the rounded corners in the room, I have always liked the way that looked.

Looking forward to moving ahead on my build, best I can do is refine sketchup pics right now. I'll post those if there is anything worth posting.
why red flags Johnathan is it not worth the price or have you heard other info??

What do you have in yours? What type of filter feeders and all that good stuff?
I have been to his lectures and I actually really like the guy (can't remember his name right now) but the fact of the matter is, it's just dirt. I like his reefkeeping philosophy, but when I read sales material that states it even cures lateral line disease, I just can't help but be cynical.

No telling what sort of gasses amass in layers of that either. When someone takes the initiative to call their product "Miracle" anything, the hairs on my neck stand up.

However, one thing to note is that he does recommend changing it out at periodic intervals, just like I would with a sand bed. Coral sand is much cheaper, provides the same minerals, and I believe less risk. And this comes from me, a guy who put worm castings sand, and stream bed material from the stream on my property into my FW planted tank.

I don't want to knock Miracle Mud or it's purveyor, but I seriously wouldn't put it in my reef tank. And again, let me state for the record, I really like him as a person, his philosophy of reefkeeping, just not that product line.
I have another question how do you feal about play sand at home depot mixed with live sand. They don't sell southdown in my area but another playbox sand.

Sorry if I Hijacked
i thought about the miracle in the beginning with my setup too, but chose not to. i couldn't see myself scooping mud of gravity feed fuge IMO. i found in reefkeeping that there are million of ways and alternative in getting things done.

on side note, hurry up and get back in town already to finished this build. i will be taking the wife and kids to Disney toward the end of the year and will be staying at her sister in Orlando. so will you be done by then, if not i will rebook my flight:D. oh i forgot to ask may i stop by :lol:?
eric, stay away from the play sand. nevermind that you don't really know what's in it, but it is very fine and will blow all over the place as well as compact down through your "live" sand and create a very dense layer. IMO you should not mix sand densities because the finer stuff will eventually settle through to the bottom and you will be left with just the coarse stuff on top. And buying "live" sand off the shelf at an LFS is a huge scam. No matter what the label says, that stuff is worthless.
while I have a lomg-standing respect for Dr, Shimek's depth of knowledge and really consider him to be a go-to guy when it comes to as variety of invert issues, I totally disagree with using a mix of sands. The reason is I have done it and the results are poor. VERY poor.

Mixing sand grain sizes does not work. The smaller grains filter through to the bottom and leave the larger grains/shells on the surface. And if you use REAL live rock, there is no need to populate the sand because many animals will come in on the rock and do the job for you. Buying sand critter packs is just another hobby rip-off, just like buying live rock or lived "cured" rock from any retailer.

One of my biggest hot-buttons is listening to people talk at the LFS abot how they need sand sifting creatures, a nice DSB, and the resuklt will be a natural perpetual reef system. This is the biggest load of crap ever. Dr. Ron does discuss this in post 70859.

Carl, if you want to discuss any of what I have written, shoot me a PM and we'll get in touch by phone. re-read his post #70589 and then reconcile it with the sand bed issues. I would love t talk to you more about it whether by PM or telephone. We all make mistakes, and that's the great thing about the forums...we can learn to not make as many. :)
Thank you everyone for all the feed back lately. Sounds like a resounding no on the miracle mud. Also I'm going to go ahead and presume to use what I assume are your real names, hope I don't offend anyone.

eric - No worries on hijacking the thread... I like to keep the ball rolling and any questions your might have will probably help me make decisions later on. The beauty of forums.

bart - I damn well better have my system up by christmas, I will be seriously upset if it isn't. And of course you and your family are more then welcome to stop on by. Check in and give me crap if I am not progressing quickly enough.

jonathan - Once again you are the supplier of a wealth of information, and thank you again.
There are so many opinions on most reef keeping issues, but most of them are designed to get more of your money. I am not always right, even in the case of my own reef, but I always err on the side of not giving my money to someone who has invented a miracle product. :D