finally beginning my 480g 5'x5'x30" SPS Reef Tank

OMG thats hurts having to talk about it and not working on it. i know it was fun all the way for me. i must have miss it but when did you say the tank will be ready?
How DARE you start a thread about a huge cube tank a few minutes from me, state all of the nice equipment you are planning on using, and then go out of the country for a few months.
I feel you on that. At least I am not home.

Are you going to do anything before the tanks get to you? How do you plan on doing your water changes?
cbui2 - I will probably have time to just pick it up and install the main tank over Thanksgiving. Hopefully.

taketz - hahaha.... you think your frustrated. I didn't expect any of these delays so this blows.

eric3000 - I still have to do dry wall, redo electrical, install blowers, install a second air conditioner in tank room, do floor prep for stands, do wall prep for tank room and display wall. I will have to commission a lot of this work since I can't be at home to do it myself, unfortunately some more costs and I won't have much time to do this when I get back. Luckily my girlfriend will be there to supervise a lot of the work for me.

I already have all of my support tanks, I posted a picture a few pages back. In they picture they are in there basic locations in the fish room but the stands have not arrived. The 120g in the back corner is my 120g extra volume and water change tank. The plan was to use a external pump to draw out 120g from the tank, mix the saltwater, and then pump it into the sump.

But I was reading an article last night that is drawing me towards a continuous water change system using my litermeter III from my old 120g. Seems easy and convenient. If anyone has any opinions on this idea please feel free to share.
I've been trying to figure out the turnover rate for my tank and I think I'm looking at 57x turnover with all pumps running full tilt. I'm shoting for 45x so Its

That is a dart and a barracuda for the 2 closed loops, a hammerhead on a manifold for all of the tank room requirements and for the main return. Along side 2 tunze 6201's attached to the wavy seas returns. I have plenty of time to think about it so I will probably change my mind again.

Opinions are welcome
I agree that the Vortechs will look better but think about designing your rock work so that they can be down low and hidden too. That way you will have no visual polution. You could run some 1" lines from above that feed off the Hammerhead to provide full tank flow. Believe me. if you go BB, those Vortechs in a low position will do the best job possible.

Also, remember to place your manifold ABOVE the tank water line, and have at least one line from it open (above water) to act as a siphon break. That way your tank can't drain out in a power failure.
I agree that the Vortech pumps sound very promising. The reason why I chose the Tunze's is because I can attached them to 2 wavyseas and get even more random flow out of the wavyseas. I have considered adding 2 votech powerheads below the closed loop intakes in the future if I need them or if I don't like the look of the tunzes attached to the wavyseas, will just have to wait and see.

The manifold will be run of a dart in the sump room and will draw water from the main sump. I am working on some sketchup ideas now and will post them once I finish them up. Thank you for the tip on placing the manifold above the tank.

jnarowe - I plan on using 3x 1" wavy seas, two in opposite corners and 1 in the middle or in a third corner to provide random flow for the returns (the sump returns driven by the hammerhead).
I look forward to seeing how you set up the manifold, and I am a big fan of the wavy seas when positioned out of site. They are nice additions and I believe provide nice gas exchange. I have a local reefer buddy with a smallish tank, maybe 180g, and he has one in each corner and then one mounted from a Eurobrace that blows into the front glass with about a 180 deg. cycle. I like it a lot.

PM if you want to discuss the manifold, and for God's sake, put in some extra valves. I capped the end of mine with a nice schedule 80 BV in case I need further expansion. I am very happy with it.
First crack at my sump room plumbing... let me know if I screwed up big anywhere. The chiller is in the back left corner in the pictures but will be move to a better ventilated area.





Forgot to mention that the drain ends are shown correctly in most instances, there will be anti siphon designs incorporated during the build.
man nice pictures....those concept images are sweet! Plumbing appears to be in order [no expert]. I am tagging along to see it come together :eek2:

Anti siphon designs? Have you already addressed what each tank will contain? Wich one is LR and etc. Why not have skimmer inline first?
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Questions/suggestions: Please keep in mind that these are just observations made by a guy on mind-bending drugs looking at a rather complicated set of drawings. Too complicated if you ask me.

1. Why dual refugium feeds?
2. Move the manifold from the Dart above the water level of the refugium and make the refugium feed(s) above the water line.
3. Change the Dart to a Hammerhead.
4. The OM 2-way for the frag tank could be replaced with a Vortech and a single inbound flow, also above the water line.
5. Move the chiller OUTSIDE!
6. Try to incorporate a floss shelf where the pink return lines come in from the display. You have plenty of baffles etc. and having a floss shelf will improve water clarity and make swapping out much easier than socks. I would recommend the "washable" filter material from Aquatic-Eco. It is the best I have found and worth every penny.
7. Ask yourself, "What can be removed and still make the system run well?"

The drawings are fabulous BTW, and I think you could lose most of your baffles.
Looks great! What a system!
How big is your RO/DI storage tank going to be? It looks kind of small for that big of a system. I would go as big as you have room for that way you won't have to fill it as often. I would aslo reccomend moving your chiller at least to another part of the house if not outside. Those suckers put out a TON of heat and will turn that room in to a sauna in no time. If you have a garage or attic or crawlspace where you can put it that would be much better. Otherwise your a/c is going to run constantly.
Nice work so far! Keep showing pictures!
awesome work no need to even take real pics, also on your calcium reactor by being toward the back will you be able to have access to change out media or maintenance? looks like its behind a few plumbing lines.
Wow..You have no problems with sketch.... Looks sweet.

The one thing I would do is to try and have all plumbing lines behind the stands legs. It looks a little cleaner to me. But that is just my thoughts.

Man this is going to be one very sweeeeeeeeeeeetttt setup....