Finally Caught Him!!!


New member
It took me 4 days and 3 different traps, but I finally caught the little bugger. Good thing, too, because I just received my shipment of 50 nassarius snails that I was gonna put in my tank. Used the PVC pipe trap with some krill and he took the bait. Here's a pic of him, he's about 2.5 inches long:

Anyone know what kind he is?
Congrats ! Wanna come here and catch my 2 that have been running around in my tank for almost a year? LOL I gave up and actually feed them to keep my snails and hermits fairly safe. It sorta works for the most part and they are definitely cool to watch!
That's OK, I had enough trouble catching this one. The sad part is that I'm expecting my 2nd shipment of rocks from TBS next week and I'm afraid I might get more of these guys. I guess I better keep that trap handy.
you can give your rock a dunk in seltzer or high salinity water for 30 seconds and thatll drive the mantis out. Thats what ive read here anyway! I never have tried the method but i wish you luck in some mantis free rock LOL